Mission 2

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*Nestorio POV*

Technoblade and I, along with a group of other heroes explored around the destroyed city once known as Kamino. We were searching for any surviving civilians or heroes to bring back to the UA faculty so that they can be treated. 

"Hey guys! I think there's someone trapped underneath this pile of concrete and rubble!" One of the heroes in our group yelled as she carefully started to remove piece after piece. 

"Here, let me help you." I said as I rushed in and removed the concrete and rubble that concealed the potentially injured civilian. 

As the concrete and rubble were finally all removed, underneath revealed a female child that looked to be around 4 - 5 years old. The child had bruises everywhere, with one of her legs seemingly broken. 

"Hey, little fella... You're gonna be alright..." I reassured in a calm manner, I then picked the girl up as she rested her body in my arms. 

"W-Where's my mommy?" The little girl sobbed.

"ORPHAN!?" Technoblade yelled, his reached for his blade. 

"TECHNO NO!" I yelled back. 

"Fine." Technoblade grunted. 

"Anyway, don't worry... We'll find your mommy... What's your name, little girl?" I asked. 

"Nora..." The little girl replied. 

"Alright, Nora. I need you to be a brave girl right now. These heroes will take you to somewhere called UA... Do you know what UA is?" I asked. 

"No." Nora replied. 

"Ah, I suppose you wouldn't know. Anyway, you have to follow them first while that grumpy piggy man and I look for your mommy, alright?" I proposed. 

"Grumpy piggy man?" 

Nora nodded as a response as she went with the other heroes back to the UA faculty. I was relieved that we managed to save that little girl, who knows what might have happened to her if she was left there longer. 

Suddenly, the group of heroes who were with Nora were suddenly attacked by a crocodile-looking villain. The villain sent one hero flying away with a quick smack as the others wasted no time in retaliating, with Nora hiding behind one of the heroes. 

Wasting no time, Techno and I charged in to help. Grabbing a taser arrow from my quiver, I loaded it up on my bow and aimed for the villain's eyes while Techno leapt into battle, swinging his leg at the villain's arm. 

"Huh, Godric. You're still alive." Technoblade spoke. 

"You merely beat the shit out of me, of course I'd still be alive." Godric replied. 

"Huh, good point." Technoblade said. 

"GOD DAMN IT TECHNO, STOP TALKING TO HIM!" I yelled as I released the arrow as it flew right towards Godric, landing on his eye as the taser part of the arrow did it's job and lightly electrocuted Godric, causing the villain to shriek in pain. 

"GAH, FUCK!" Godric yelled angrily. 


"Would be funny if she did." Technoblade said. 

"Nora? Who's that?" Godric asked, he soon realised the little girl present on the battlefield. 

Sprinting with all his energy, Godric charged towards Nora as smacked the hero guarding her away like they were nothing but a fruit fly. Grabbing her by the arm, Godric opened his mouth, revealing a neatly arranged row of terrifying fangs. 

Just the sight of this made Nora scream in fear as Godric pulled her closer to his mouth. He was about to eat her! 

"NOOOO!!!" I yelled, quickly taking a random arrow out of my quiver and shooting it right at Godric. 

The arrow exploded upon contact, causing Godric to drop Nora and shriek in pain once again. As Godric was still shrieking in pain, Technoblade swiftly swooped in, grabbed Nora and dipped. 

Once Godric recovered, he was visibly upset. He roared angrily as he aggressively looked for Nora, crushing and throwing pieces of rubble that were in his way. 


I shot another arrow at Godric, this arrow contained a chemical that could knock a healthy adult human out for 4 hours. I'm not sure if those terms applied for Godric, but it should at least grant us enough time to escape. 

Unfortunately, Godric managed to catch the arrow mid-air and snapped it into two. He gnarled as he approached my direction. 

"Well, that didn't work." I muttered as I transformed my bow into a staff, ready for physical combat. 

Swinging the base of my staff at Godric's arm, I expected it to hit a funny bone and stun him a little. However, his scutes were tough. Godric grabbed my staff was snapped it, leaving me with a stick. 

He then swung his fist towards my face, sending me flying away and crashing into a wall. The other heroes in my group tried to help, but they were also easily slapped away. As Godric closed the distance between us, he started to beat down on me. 

Technoblade leapt in, trying to help me. But Godric was 2 steps ahead of him as he grabbed Technoblade by the neck as he approached, he then threw him into the ground and stomped on his chest, causing Technoblade to spit out blood. 

My vision started to fade away as I realised that it was the end... 

That was when I heard the word 'fuck'. 

"FUCK!" Nora yelled at the top of her lungs. God damn it, of all the words why did she have to memorise that one. 

However bad it was, it distracted Godric enough for me to get up and land a solid punch on his face. Meanwhile, Technoblade swept Godric off his feet, causing the crocodile to fall on his back. 

We took this chance to grab everyone and get the heck out of there. 

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