Kinkun ( After the Match 🖤☁️ )

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After the match with karasuno ( the one were they lost ) the whole Aoba Johsai team was in a bad place. Oikawa hasn't spoken a word , Iwazumi is the same , Matsun and Makki haven't cracked any jokes like they usually do after a match, Kyoutani was in fit of rage and yahaba was trying to calm him down. And finally Kindaichi and Kunimi. They both stood by the bus with their heads down waiting for everybody.
On the bus it was silent. At the back of the bus Kindaichi and Kunini sat together. Kindaichi was leaning on the window watching the scenery go by.

I looked at Kindaichi and he disappointed in himself. I could tell he blamed himself for the loss but I know the whole team feels the same. I looked at the front of the bus to see small tears run down Oikawa's face while Iwazumi held his hand. Mad dog and Yahaba were talking. Makki and Matsun had both fallen asleep. I stared at Kindaichi. I knew I wanted to make him feel better, but how? I thought for a moment then I had an idea. It was a bit stupid but it was worth a try.
I made sure he wasn't looking at me. Good, he wasn't. I grabbed his hand and put my head on his shoulder. I felt his head turn to face me. I just smiled at him then closed my eyes.

I felt a weight on my shoulder while I looked out the window. I looked down to see Kunimi holding my hand with his head on my shoulder. He just smiled at me. It was a genuine, kind smile, he rarely smiled so it meant a lot. I knew I was as red as a strawberry at this point but I didn't care. I started to feel small circles on my hand. I could tell he was doing this to try and make me feel better and it was working. No words were spoken. We just enjoyed each others warmth and comfort. It was perfect.





Everybody looked at the back of the bus and laughed a little except for Iwazumi. He walked to the back of the bus and woke them up. When they both woke they blushed and rushed off the bus while Makki and Matsun were ina laughing fit while making jokes about it.




Second part bitchhhhhh 💅🏻

See ya next time

Bye-bye 👋🏼

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