Pigeons - Iwaoi

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I just came up with this just now. It has a bit of smut in it but not a lot





Me and Oikawa were at his house making out in his bedroom. I had my hands on his hips and his were in my hair. Oikawa moaned while I kissed his neck. His shirt ( which was mine ) starting slipping off his shoulders. We waste no time getting each others clothes off. I started to stretch him slowly. When I finished, I slowly entered him.
Just as I entered I heard a thud a the window. We both looked over to the window to see a pigeon sitting there looking confused. Th pigeon fluttered off a few minute later.
I shook my head an tried to get back in the moment. I picked up the pace again, making oikawa moan more. Just as we got back into it we heard another thud at the window. The same pigeon was sitting there shaking its head. Okay, what the hell is going on. Oikawa sighed as he hit his head on the pillow underneath his head.
I looked back over to the window and saw the same pigeon still sitting there. What the fuck!? I pulled out an walked over to the window knocking on it. The pigeon turned its head to face but made no effort to fly away. I groaned in frustration and put my boxers back on. I through Oikawas some clothes and went to make some tea. Fucking birds....

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