Training Camp ( Kuroken ☁️ 🌶)

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If you didn't know this, the writer of Haikyuu was actually toning to make Kuroken canon! So that got me thinking , what if they were together during the training camp.

/~Anyway Enjoy~\



It was a very hot day in Tokyo. The Nekoma volleyball team had just arrived at Shizen high school. It was pretty much the same as last time but there was one thing different. Kuroo Tetsuro ( sorry if I spelled that wrong ) and Kenma Kozume are now dating. It wasn't really a shock to anybody because they all new about their feelings for each other.

Right now, Kuroo was practising with Bokuto, Akaashi and Tsukishima in a gym. And of course, they had to insult Bokuto a few times just for fun. Kenma sat at the door watching his boyfriend from a far. He was being as quiet as possible so nobody noticed he was their.

How is he so perfect. His eyes. His smile. His personality and of course is body. I don't deserve him. Kuroo is my favourite person in the world, I love him so much. I may not be good with emotions and expressing them but I really do love him. I jumped when a ball rolled towards me and Kuroo was in front of me.
"What are you doing here Kitten? I thought you were with Hinata and Kageyama?" Kuroo looked at me with a questioning Look before sitting down.
"Uhm, I was just, uhh, watching you guys practise." I knew I was blushing cause I could feel my cheeks heating up.

"Well what are you doing sitting here, come practise with us."

"Do I have to?" I whined

"Aww come on Kitten, I need you here with me, come on pleaseeee." I grabbed me by my shoulders and shook me a little.

"Ugh, fine." I stood up and walked over to the court. Kuroo snaked his arm around my waist and kissed my cheek.

We started having a little mini match even though it was 3 vs 2. It was me, Kenma and Tsuki and Akaashi and Bokuto on the other side. Obviously my team won so I had to rub it Bokutos face. I walked over and my kitten a kiss on the lips. I heard Tsuki gag and walk away saying he was done. Bokuto and Akaashi left to, leaving me and my kitten alone~.

I crept up behind him and kissed his neck. He squirmed a little before relaxing into my chest. I kissed up his neck and then his jaw line. I ran my hands down his chest then on his waist to keep him in the same place. He moaned quietly before he covered his mouth.I ran my hands up his shirt and stroked his nipples. His moans were muffled by his hand on his mouth. I kept doing this before I heard somebody clear their throat.
"Am I interrupting something?" I saw Yaku standing at the door with an angry look on his face.

"Shit!" I whispered-shouted. I take my hands away from Kenmas chest and stood straight up.

"Uhhhh Yaku we weren't doing anything I"

"Shut up, get to the room and I don't want to hear a sound from you too." He scowled at us before leaving.
We stood in silence for a while before I picked Kenma up and walked to the room we were staying in. After we got changed I put Kenma on his bed, gave him a kiss on the forehead and got into bed.
I looked at Kenma one last time before falling asleep.




Hope you enjoyed this part
See-ya later

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