A bunny boy!? pt.3 - tsukiyama (☁️)

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I suggest you read the first two parts if you haven't already.






Two years ago, I found a strangely large box on my porch. Inside said box was a bunny boy called Tadashi Yamaguchi.
Ever since then, we'd gown quite close. Every night he would sleep in my bed and cuddle with me, every morning I'd wake up to him sitting up next to me patting my chest, and whenever in was the weekend we would sit on the
couch and watch movies. I don't treat him as a pet, I treat him as my friend.
Yeah...friend, about that. Recently, I have been feeling very different about him. Usually I wouldn't mind if he sat on my lap and fell asleep , but now , my face turns beat red. I think I'm starting to develop a crush on him. But how do I tell Tadashi that. I'll just have to figure it out.

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I was currently sitting on my bed while Tadashi was lying on my chest. I had decided two days ago that today I would tell Tadashi about my crush on him. I stopped petting his ears and sat up, which caused him to jump on sit up too.

"Tsuki? What's wrong?" He cocked his head to the side and placed his hand on my arm. I turned to face him with a bright red face. Tadashi's nose twitched and his tail fluffed out a bit.

"Look, I'm just going come out and say it. Tadashi, I like you, a lot. Like I love you." I paused to stare at him. His nose twitched again and he shuffled forward. He kept moving towards me until he was on my lap and our noses were touching.

"You love me? Like I love you?" Tadashi placed his hand and my shoulders while I processed what he said. He loves me too! This is...amazing! Tadashi moved in my tying to closer ( if that was humanly possible ). I leaned forward and caught his lips in a kiss. It took him a few seconds to kiss back but he eventually did. Our lips moved in unison and gave me butterflies in my stomach. I pulled away an looked at him. His cheeks were flushed a bright red and his bunny ears were sticking straight up. God what is this bunny boy doing to me?








Hope you enjoyed

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