Time With My Highly Capable Gal Then Some Flying

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  It's been a couple more months since the first plane was finished and the second one is supposed to be done this week. Right now, I'm laying on my bed being bored out of my mind since Xeno and Stan told me to take a day of relaxation.

I wanna hang out with my highly capable gal.

Just as I started rolling out of bed-

*Knock* *Knock Knock*

"Come in, Luna!" I called out with a smile. We've been living in the same place for 8 months now, so I know the sound of everyone's knocks. Heck, if I'm paying enough attention, I can tell who's walking up to my door.

The door opened and Luna walked in. "How do you even do that?" she asked with a chuckle before shutting my door behind her.

"I listen, duh," I stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world as she sat down beside me. "Y'know, I was just about to look for you," I chuckled.

"Well, I saved you a trip," she shrugged.

"So, whatcha wanna do? I've been reciting Llamas With Hats for the past hour."

"Oh my gosh! I forgot all about that!" she exclaimed with a laugh.


We quoted one of the best series for probably around an hour or so before we could hardly breathe from laughter.

"Amy, I still say that you'd be Carl rather than Paul."

"Agreed. It's a good thing my tummy doesn't have the rumblies that only hand can satisfy at the moment."

"I still feel bad for the lovely elderly couple from 2-B."

"I have no idea what you are talking about."

"Then what's all the sticky red stuff?"

"Would you believe that it's strawberry milkshake?"

"No, I would not."

"Uh. Melted gumdrops?"


"Boat nectar?"


"Some of God's tears?"

"Tell me the truth, Carl!"

"Fine. It's the lovely elderly couple from 2-B."


And that led to another session of laughing.

Back when I first moved to California, I didn't have a single person to talk to and I was pretty horrible at getting the courage to talk to anyone aside from the people that I absolutely had to. I was alone for probably around a month before Luna started hanging out with me and soon after that, she started bringing Carlos and Max around. Honestly, she's one of my very few real friends. And ever since this whole petrification thing happened we've become closer.



The second plane was finally finished and I finally get to fly instead of just being the passenger and listening to Stan's instructions.

"Just get used to flying first. Do not go doing anything rash," Stan instructed through his headset.

"Who the hell do you think I am? I'd never do such a thing," I rebuked.

"Time for take-off."

My smile grew a bit more as I started driving the plane forward. A moment later, I saw Stan pulling up on the other strip, so I started doing the same. At this point, I could feel the adrenaline pumping through me and my heart beating from the excitement. I was finally in the air and grinned at how it felt to be flying by myself.

"Just follow me but don't get too close. If you crash, I don't want to go down with you."

"Shut it. I'm not gonna crash."

"Don't take me down with you."

"Stanley James Snyder!"

"Not my middle name."

"Damnit," I grumbled without turning on the headset. I've been trying to guess his middle name for a while, but still didn't have any luck.

I followed him for a while until I got bored with just normal flying.

It was Stan's mistake for doing this with me around.

A little smirk grew on my face as I got ready.

Stan's gonna kill me, but it's worth it.

And I did what any gamer would do: a barrel roll.

"I said nothing reckless," Stan said over the headset after I finished the roll.

"Hey, you're the one who did it first. And with me in the plane," I shot back with a chuckle.

*Sigh* "Start heading back," he said as he started turning around.

"'Kay," I replied as I started following him.

After we landed, I took off the headgear and headset and breathed in the heavenly fresh air.

"Idiot," Stan slapped me on the back of my head. "I said nothing reckless."

"I just copied what you did," I said as I rubbed the back of my head. "So, not reckless if I copied you."

"It is if I didn't actually teach you how to do it."

"You kinda did."

He just stared down at me.

"Fine," I sighed in defeat. "I won't do it until you teach me."

~A/N- Hey guys! So this is honestly just a random chapter, but that's what happens when you hang out with your best friend and have nothing better to do. Well, hope you all enjoyed! And I'll try finishing the next chapter within the next month. Bye-bye:)~

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