The Empire of Elites

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 I pried my eyes open as a familiar stinging attacked my lungs. I groggily looked up over my arms and found Stanley smoking another cigarette.

"What time is it?" I asked as I rubbed my eye and yawned.

"Around noon."

Ugh... I only slept about six hours...

I stood up and stretched my arms before hearing and feeling a loud crack from my back.

"So why are you wanting to bring me back to your settlement?" I questioned as I sat down.

"We're low on people and you're the only person that I've found," he said after letting out a puff of smoke.

"Makes sense. Manpower and scientific advancement are the prime things right now." I stood back up and grabbed the bag that held my clothes. "This is all that I'll need. You can check it for weapons or whatever."

He did just that and only found my clothes, homemade paper, and paints. He handed it back to me when he finished and I slipped my bag over my shoulders.

"I'm ready whenever you are."

He said nothing as he started out the door.

We got out of the treehouse and as we left I looked back for a moment and thought, You're going to hell. Buh-bye. ... God, I miss Vine...

We walked in silence for the first two hours of the trip.

"Do you need a break?" His tone indicated that he really didn't care.

"I'm good."

Honestly, though, I've had to stay on my feet for way longer than this. Anime conventions in California are no walk in the park that has benches. Even a concert that I went to back in Illinois made me stand in one spot for four hours and I only had about two minutes of a break when I had gone to the bathroom. After that little fiasco, I literally had to yell for my parents to even hear me, and that was from two feet away in our van. Yeah, I don't much care for the feeling of going deaf.

We finished the five-hour walk. We stood on some of the hills that surrounded the settlement- no. More like a factory that's in the progress of being built.

Holy... Super crap! I was honestly blown away by the sight before me. I mean, it's a fricking factory! In the stone age! Made from scratch!!

"Impressive, isn't it?"

I snapped out of my stupor. "Yeah... I figured that you had something going on, but not something like this! I never even suspected a factory of all things to be one of the first things built."

"That'd be the courtesy of our leader. Come on."

We started descending the rough hills to the yet-to-be-finished building. I followed close behind Stanley after the hills flattened out and I looked around. There wasn't very much to speak of aside from all of the building supplies and some empty field plots.

Holy moly. I guess I was right in thinking smarter people did the same thing as me...

We got inside and I followed Stanley still through a path of warm hallways to a room with kinda big doors.

This looks like something from a Shonen manga.

The doors opened and I spotted a man who wore a modern-looking black lab coat with white hair, a petrification scar in the shape of a double 'X', and dark eyes.

The real-life male version of Ozen?

"I brought back the girl I told you about," Stanley said as he lit yet another cigarette.

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