Foreign Visitors

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 "Amy, Stan," Xeno started. "We seem to have some foreign guests."

"Alright, we'll go check them out," Stan said, already knowing what Xeno was going to say.

"Do you know where they're from?" I asked since I honestly don't know any country that would develop as fast or faster than us.


I nodded. Cool, I'll be able to understand them. Since I was supposed to go abroad to Japan, obviously I'd have to learn the language and I wasn't complaining about that either I mean, anime without subtitles was pretty great.

After Xeno gave their route, we headed out and at this point, it was starting to get dark.

"Just aim at their feet when I give the signal," Stan said as he stomped out his cigarette.

"Yeah, yeah, I know."

I already knew the drill and all of the signals and I was ready to play cat and mouse with them, or even kill them if he signaled it. I trusted Stan's judgment after knowing him for almost three years.

We made our way closer to the river that I still didn't really like before he signaled me to get in the trees and follow. After a few more minutes, I heard a few different voices from ahead and could see them before Stan signaled to stay put. Unfortunately, I wasn't close enough to hear what they were saying.

Stan signaled for me to get ready and I aimed my machine gun a little ways away from their feet.


We started shooting as they ran to their armored boat before they took cover. We stopped shooting when they drove away and I put my gun on my back again as I smirked a bit.

This'll be fun.

I hopped out of the tree as Stan did and he was smoking another cigarette.

"Seems like that brown-haired guy sensed us," I commented.

"Almost like you did."

"He was a lot slower though. Looked like him and the one with the mask are the strongest," I continued as we started making our way back to the castle.

"Yeah, they're the only real threats, as far as first impressions go."

"We playing with them a bit more tomorrow?"

"Yeah, take away one of their boats at least." I could hear the smirk in his voice.

We had made it back after a couple of hours and had spent our walk talking about some ideas of what to do. In the end, we stuck with our original plan of taking out their boats and going from there.

We got everything set and started our planes a little while before noon.

"Don't go chickening out on me," Stan said through the headset.

"Stan. How long have you known me? And how many times have I backed out of anything?"


"You tried to have me skydive off a cliff," I grumbled without turning the mic on.

"Let's go."

We started pulling forward and got some speed before pulling up. Honestly, I still find flying just as amazing as the first day. It's even better that I get to fly myself and do cool tricks before getting scolded. I mean, seriously, if I'm flying a plane that can do stunts, I'm gonna do them.

After a few minutes, I spotted them down the river about half a klick away.

Time for some entertainment.

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