It's a Plane!

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So, now it's been a little bit over a year since I revived myself and six months since joining Xeno and Stanley's world domination group. Construction for the castle, as I'm now calling it, was just finished not too long ago and the production of a lot of different things has gone up a ton. Such as bullets. We even have different types of guns now like machine guns and sniper rifles.

Right now Stan's helping me with shooting a sniper and is also teaching me how to properly map. So, we're walking through the forest, each of us having our own equipment. Him having the same armor as the day we met and me wearing similar but lighter armor, I like having my mobility high, always have always will. I even have a pistol and sniper like Stan's since he actually trusts me now, unlike the first couple of months.

Damn shoulder... I thought to myself while rubbing my sore shoulder as we scouted.

"Heh. Recoil's not so fun, eh?" Stan mocked from ahead of me. He's a cold kinda guy, but I can read him pretty well at this point. So when it sounds like he's saying something like this, to most people it would just seem like he's stating a fact, but I can tell that he's mocking me.

"Well, excuse me for not being used to shooting a sniper," I said as I rolled my eyes. Oh, and while most people call them rifles, I tend to call them snipers because that's what my uncle called them when I was a kid and we played a ton of video games.

"You'll get used to it by next week. Besides, one of the next things comin' up will be giving you a heart attack."

"That sounds like fun. But I'm guessing that you won't tell me what it is till we actually do it."


I had been wondering about it for a while, but I finally decided to ask. "Why are we heading back to my old place?"

"We haven't scouted that area and it would make a good lookout point."

"I'll have to do a bit of work on it to make it better then." I learned some stuff about building from Brody and if it's gonna be a lookout point, then I'm obviously going to improve it.

After about another hour, we got to my old house. It still looked like it had when I left. All of my weapons were scattered over the ground and the mortar was holding up well, but the baskets that had food were nowhere to be seen. He clumb up into the house and I followed after. We sat down on the cool wooden floor and he got his mapping supplies out: paper, pencils, a compass, and a ruler.

We spent the afternoon mapping out the area and then the night doing shooting practice with my rifle.

About a week later, we headed back and arrived around sunset.

I went to my room and put my things away. Oh, yeah, turns out that Stan had told me the wrong room. He tried telling me that he said the one on the right when I know for a fact that he said the one on the left. Anyway, after that, I went and grabbed some food, ate, and went to bed. I actually didn't sleep that whole week and nor did Stan.

The next morning I woke up with the sun, as usual. I got dressed in a fresh t-shirt and a pair of shorts before deciding to draw. I'm good at painting and all, but I like doing plain pencil drawings mostly. I drew one of the landscapes that I came across and committed to memory for about an hour until there was a knock on my door.

"Yeah?" I called out.

The door opened to reveal Luna. "Hey, Amy. Uh, Stanley wanted me to get you. Oh, what're you drawing?" She asked curiously as she looked over my shoulder.

"Just one of the sunrises from the scouting."

"Your art is always so amazing..." she muttered in awe.

I shut my sketchbook and stood up before stretching my arms. "Well, shouldn't keep Stan waiting. Where is he?"

"Out at the front door," she replied as she followed me out of my room.

"'Kay. Then see ya later."

I walked through the halls and to the front door. After I opened it, I spotted Stan by one of the fields that would be growing corn here soon. He was wearing a new set of armor that looked mostly the same but the mask had something that looked like air filters.

"So, what'd you want?" I asked as I came up next to him.

"Here." He held out some new armor that looked and weighed the same as my other one but had that same attachment that his did. "The vehicle for your next stage of training is ready," he said as he looked out over the fields.

I blinked in a bit of surprise when I saw an airplane. "You mean... I'm actually gonna get to fly a plane?" I asked in awe.

"Not today. I'll be flying it while you get used to the altitude changes."

If I had a tail, it'd be wagging like crazy right now.

"What? You've never been on a plane before?" He raised a brow.

"Nope! I never trusted the systems that flew the planes. I'd rather be in one that someone actually flies." I had an excited smile and my eyes were sparkling as I slipped on the new armor.

"Looks like someone's excited," Xeno commented as he walked up to us.

"We'll see how that goes. Come on, kid," Stan said before he started off towards the plane.

I internally huffed before quickly following him. I still didn't like being called "kid", but I've learned to tolerate it somewhat.

We got into the plane, Stan being in front at the controls with me being in the passenger seat behind him. The engine and propellers started up and I couldn't contain the big smile that formed under the headgear. The plane started moving forward slowly but then got faster and faster before we started pulling into the air.


Holy crap that was fun!

Stan had flown the airplane for about an hour and I was still feeling happy from actually getting to fly. I mean, the view was just gorgeous. Don't get me wrong, I've seen plenty of photos, but they don't even hold a candle to the real thing. The only weird thing though was that my body felt really light at the moment.

"So when do I get to fly?" I asked as we headed back to the castle.

"Do you even know anything about flying?" he asked before taking a draw of his smoke.

"Uh... pull back on the wheel to pull up and push the top part forward to go down? I'm pretty limited on plane knowledge." I knew I should've taken that flying class in high school!

"Well, at least you know that."

"Gaming knowledge comes in handy again." Yep. Up is down and down is up, that's how all of the default flying controls were.

~A/n- Hey guys! So, I'll be completely honest here, I've never flown in a plane before. I wanted to be as accurate as possible, so I asked my grandma; she wasn't very helpful though since she hasn't flown in 30+ years.

Oh, and if you guys got any ideas, you can comment them and I can try to put them into the story. Honestly, this is the first time I'm doing so much that doesn't rely on the story every now and then, so some ideas would be helpful.

Well, that's all I got for this sorta short chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed! Bye-bye:)~

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