Successful(?) Siege

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"Luna, I mean it. Be. Careful. These people are more trusting than us, but you can't be too cautious. I'll only be around for the first few hours after that, you're pretty much on your own-"

"I know," she nervously chuckled.

Reluctantly, she left the four of us, that being Stan, Carlos, Max, and I. She successfully got onto the ship as Stan and I watched for a while. Before I knew it, it was time for me to go back to the castle. We have good fighters, but if someone somehow manages to get past Stan, Xeno will need an extra bodyguard.


Some days went by without much of anything going on, aside from Stan shooting the real scientist, Senku, and me being put to work on the submarine we were building. It was actually almost done, a few more days and it'd be ready to take out their main ship for good.

Those few days went by quickly and I was left with Xeno to witness the fight through the radio.

"Sounds like the ship's ours," I commented, setting down the headphones, and stretching my arms.

A loud crash accompanied by bits of wood flying at us came. I immediately raised my sniper, the cold tip of a blade touching my neck at the same time. I kept my ground, my hard gaze meeting the similar one of the masked man I saw by the river. The brown-haired man and blonde woman had their weapons pointed at Xeno.

I let out a silent sigh as I dropped my gun from his head and raised my hands. If it was just one, I could've taken care of it, but I'm not willing to take the chance when they have Xeno at knife point.

"Wise choice," the man said.

"This is baaad stuff! Actual 21st century science!" A guy who looked to be the youngest with spiky brown hair exclaimed as the masked man was removing my belts of ammo, guns, and knives.

"Getting a bit handy, aren't you?" I remarked as he started patting me down. I will make this as uncomfortable as possible. In return, all he gave me was an annoyed glare as he kept taking knives out of my armor. "Want me to just take off the heavy shit? I have like fifty knives on me right now." I didn't wait for his answer and swiftly unclipped the camouflage  and breastplate, leaving my midcoat and one-piece on.

The alarm went off, causing the others some panic as the corners of my mouth lifted in an amused smirk. They quickly tied us up, hauled us like bags of dirt, and tossed us into a bullet-shaped sled. Chrome, the second youngest actually, had to ride in it with us to make sure the bomb would go off and send us flying forward.

I knew Gen wasn't trustworthy. That conniving snake... I WAS MOSTLY HONEST WITH HIM TOO! My thoughts, and soul, were momentarily knocked out of me by the blast.

Before I knew what happened, I was laying upside down against some rocks with my knees almost touching my head. "Fuck..." I groaned as I rolled over onto my side.

"Seems there's been a cave-in on both sides!" Xeno exclaimed.

"No shit, Sherlock," I slightly snapped as I sat up right and cracked my now sore neck.

Chrome ignored that last comment and quickly made a make-shift shovel out of wood from the sled and a piece of metal before he started digging at part of the cave-in that I was leaning against.

As I tried to ignore the throbbing in my head, Xeno went on about how elegant their escape plan was and how it was pointless since Stan already took over the ship. Then he went on about how the 21st century's morals kept science from evolving further or something like that before Chrome finally broke through the wall.

By the time we were out and away from the hole, Luna and a couple of people from the ship were back and she was looking at my head.

"Geez, let's get these ropes off of you," she sighed as soon as she saw the fresh blood still trickling from my head.

"Should her ropes really be taken off?" I heard Chrome ask Gen.

"Heartless much? This could be a fatal wound you know?" I dramatically said, clenching at my heart with my left hand.

"Enough with the melodramatics," Luna half scolded, making me mentally pout. "The worst you have is a partially dislocated shoulder."

"That explains the searing pain... Need someone to help put it back in place?"

"Yeah, it'll be easier."

I scanned over the surrounding people, noticing that Xeno was missing but dismissing it, before spotting a decent candidate for the job. "Hey! Archer guy!" He looked over in slight confusion. "Think you can help with my shoulder?"

"Um, sure?" he questioned, making his way over.

"It's partially dislocated," I explained.

"What do you need me to do?" he asked Luna, somewhat surprising me that he spoke English.

"I just need her shoulder kept still while I pop the bone back in place." He nodded an okay as I grabbed a piece of rope to bite on and gave them the go ahead.

"Alright. On three. One." And pop. Ass-clenching pain then slight relief. It still hurt like hell though.

"I thought you said three," I almost hissed as I massaged the area. The guy, Ukyo I think Luna called him, had already went back to what he was doing before.

"It's better that you didn't tense up though," she chuckled.

~Okay, shorter chapter, but there you guys go for now. Also, 2k reads now? I really haven't been paying attention to any of my stories. On a side note, I can't wait to bring Chelsea in the story. I honestly think she's my second favorite female character from Dr. Stone, the first being Kirisame.

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