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 A year and a few more months have passed by and it's April again. So I've been in this stone world for about three years. The cornfields we had been setting up have grown in size and number, so we have plenty of corn for whatever Xeno's using it for. And our group has grown a bit more because of more and more people from the Science meeting reviving themselves. Xeno and Stan had apparently told them all to just keep thinking so they could survive, so yay us.

But there's this one new guy that I don't trust at all. He's the sorta guy you would expect to be in with the mafia or something. Now usually I don't judge people by their looks or first impressions, but this guy just gives off bad vibes.

"Hey, did you take a gun from the armory again?" Stan asked as I was just coming inside from a walk.

"No, why?"

He opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by the sound of a gunshot that came from outside.


We hurried out to see the guy that I was wary of, Kevin, pointing the gun up in the air. It was our newly developed shotgun. Compared to modern shotguns, it had more range and just as much firepower.

"Listen up! I'm taking over! The leader we have now isn't fit! All he wants to do is fucking play science! I say we take matters into our own hands! Anyone who stands against us dies!"

Fuck. Why the hell is he trying to start a rebellion? 

He hadn't noticed me yet but had taken notice of Stan.

"Don't you fucking move, Snyder! You're completely unarmed, so one fucking move, and I'll blow your brains out!"

Silently, I crouched down and crept away. The second the guy took his eyes off of Stan, he gave me the signal to take him out the first chance I got. I nodded before heading to one of the spots that I had hidden one of my backup snipers. Stan had harped on me where the one was and I may have lied telling him that I dropped it in the lake one of the times I was teaching myself how to fish.

I kept behind the boulders and got to some high ground, enough to where it would be really hard to spot me from where everyone else was. I looked at the situation through the scope. Everyone was still where they were before, probably not wanting the raving lunatic to shoot them. Kevin had tied Stan to one of the braces of the stable and was shouting at everyone else, waving the gun around. I looked at Stan and used the reticle as a measurement tool. The stray hair in front of Stan's face was approximately six inches from the peak to the bottom. I moved my sights from Stan to Kevin. I aimed for his head, taking in the considerations for the distance and stuff like that. Then, before I shot, I remembered the extra thing about this gun and aimed slightly higher. When he finally stopped flailing around, I pulled the trigger. The shot rang out and he fell. I could hear a couple of horrified screams through the ringing in my ears from the shot. After a moment, I clumb down.

Everyone was still frozen in place, too shocked to move probably. I went over to Stan and cut him out.

I turned to everyone else. "No one's hurt, right?" I called out, breaking them from their petrified states.

"Y-yeah..." "We're fine!" "He didn't touch any of us!"

I sighed in relief before Stan set a hand on my shoulder. "Good work, Amy." His hand left as fast as it was set there as he grabbed a cigarette from his pocket and lit it.

After that, we got rid of Kevin's body. With the couple that did die before him, we actually buried them, but that's just an honor. He tried to endanger everyone. He doesn't get that last right. He'll be left for the wolves.

~A/N- Hey guys! It's been a while, huh? Well, I know this is a short chapter, but it took me a while to do because I wasn't sure how to make it play out. All I knew was that I wanted their to be a traitor and for Amy to kill him, so that's the result. I don't know what to put next, so there'll be another longer time skip. Next up: Foreign Visitors. Hope you all enjoyed! Bye-bye:)~

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