... A Very Late Character Design

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Hey... I completely forgot to do this before. So, upon vivii134 's request, here it is!

Name- Amy McConnell

Hair- currently short with the ends being a pain and flaring put slightly, light blonde

Eyes- green-blue

Height- 5'6

Weight- 169 lbs(76.7 kg)

Clothes- break clothes: a set of Grey sweats that have plenty of pockets for her charcoal, wood knives, and small blocks of wood for when she gets bored. Combat clothes:

(In contrast to Stan, she carries at least ten knives with her at all times and does not wear gloves) also, I've drawn Stan enough to where I could draw most of this by memory, with a few changes of course

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(In contrast to Stan, she carries at least ten knives with her at all times and does not wear gloves) also, I've drawn Stan enough to where I could draw most of this by memory, with a few changes of course

Non-combat uniform: the black one-piece with a collared mid-coat over it, and only three of the knives usually

Role- second in command for the military force/artist

Skills- bi-lingual(English and japanese), drawing, top-notch hand-eye coordination, observation, detecting lies, flying(but definitely not driving a car)

Likes- steak, learning new stuff

Dislikes- history, carrots

Other fun info: her hands are calloused to the point she can't always fully feel what she's holding, she loves climbing trees, most of her weight is from her muscles, doesn't trust herself to pay attention enough to drive anything on wheels(she almost backed into a truck and drove into some obvious deer in her driver's permit days), perfers the cold, 100% a cat person, was born and raised in Illinois until she moved out on her own

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