I Can't Move

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"Come on, come on, come on..."

The sound of quick and repeated button smashing paired with fighting sound effects were the main sounds filling my messy bedroom. The only other sound was my determined and annoyed muttering. Then my hair decided it would be a great idea and block my vision.


I tried to blow it out of my face but ultimately failed and lost the boss battle.

"The one time I don't tie it back..." I grumbled.

I got out of the cocoon of grey, somewhat fuzzy, blankets, and was met with the chilled air of my room. Yeah, it's summer and yeah, I hate the heat with a passion. AC for life!

I maneuvered my way over and around the clothes, pillows, drawing supplies, school supplies, and the little bit of garbage that was spread all over my floor. It's not that I'm a necessarily messy person, I'm just too lazy to clean regularly, so I just wait until I feel like cleaning and when I feel like doing it, man, do I clean. Literally, the last time I cleaned, the house was almost sparkling, but I hate glitter so no.

I grabbed my hairbrush and started brushing my slightly tangled locks of blonde hair in front of the mirror that was attached to my old wooden dresser. After my hair was finally untangled and straight, I grabbed a hair-tye and put my hair into a low ponytail. Unfortunately, my bangs were just barely too short to go in it.

I groaned and went to the bathroom that was right across the hall from my room. I turned on the cold water, got my hands wet, and used them to brush the stubborn strands back. Finally, they laid flat on my head and stayed out of my face.

*Sigh* "Finally. Stupid, stubborn hair..." I grumbled before my stomach growled.

I reluctantly went downstairs. I looked through my fridge and found out that I still had some French Onion dip; I grabbed it and the half-empty bottle of ketchup before grabbing a bowl and a spoon. After I mixed the two condiments together, as I have been for thirteen of the eighteen years of my life, and I grabbed the fresh bag of plain, salty chips. Yes, call me weird for eating chips, dip, and ketchup, but I discovered that combo when I was five and it gives me that sweet and salty taste and I still love it to this day.

I looked out the window and noticed the golden sun starting to rise over the many buildings of Greenfield and accented the vast desert land.

Whoops. Pulled an all-nighter again.

I grabbed a bottle of cola before heading back upstairs.

After I was finished eating, I went back to playing my video game for about an hour. I finally beat the game and decided to check stuff on my phone.

On the usual website I use, I found a new science article that looked pretty interesting. After I read it, I put my phone down, got up, stretched, and grabbed one of my many sketchbooks along with my pencil case. I flipped through the sketchbook until I reached a blank page about half-way through. I just sketched my bedroom until about 10 A.M.

"It's not even noon? *Sigh* Guess I'll go practice archery for a while..." I got dressed in a simple black T-shirt and sweatpants before taking my hair down and brushing it out. Afterward, I slipped on my socks, shoes, and glasses before heading out.

The place I'm going to was just around the block from my place and the woman that runs it actually teaches multiple forms of Chinese techniques, not just archery. Honestly, though, I never knew that it existed until I just randomly heard about it from one of my few friends. We should get back on track.

I shot arrows for about two hours and somehow ended up hitting all bullseyes. After I was done with it, I went back home and surfed the internet for random articles.

I found a pretty interesting one about the stone swallowtails. I ended up looking into it a bit more and noticed something.

The time frame for people reporting them looks like it rings out from South America. I wonder what's going on...

The rest of my day was spent randomly reading a bunch of different scientific articles. I finally stopped when I noticed that it was 11. I changed into a tank top and shorts before laying down on my bed. I folded my hands behind my head as I stared up at the ceiling. My left leg was laying normally on the bed as my right was bent upward.

Another boring day. But, zat iz ze life of me. As I thought that, I got one of those weird hollow feelings in my stomach. It had been happening quite often here lately and it was a bit annoying.

Just as I closed my eyes, a green light shone through my eyelids, making me open them again. 

All I saw was a bright green light before absolute darkness.

What the hell? I can't move. Were the sparrows a sign of foreshadowing? Shit... If that's the case, then everyone in the world is probably petrified... *Sigh* Thinking back to one of the articles I read, there's a chance that if I keep thinking I won't die. Well, HAHAHA, fate! I have an endless reservoir of anime, manga, video games, and theories to think about! Hey, maybe I can finally make a plot for that book I've been thinking about...

After what seemed like forever, I pulled myself away from loss of conscience, again.

Alright, this time I'm gonna keep track of how long it takes. I did just that and counted the seconds that passed by before it happened again. Okay, so, about 850,000 seconds. It's happened 25 times now so... 85 times 25... is 2,125, add the four zeroes and it's 21,250,000. Then just divide that by 60... around 354,167 minutes. Divide that by 60 again and that's 5,903 hours. And divide that by 24... 246 days. ... WHAT THE HECK?!! NOT EVEN A YEAR??!!!!! Ugh... I'll just keep track of the time that way...

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