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 About 1,355,970 days later, or 3715 years, I felt the stone crack.


I blinked my eyes a few times and was met with sunlight shining through a thick coating of trees.

"What in the name of Talos..." I sat up and looked at my surroundings. There were a lot of big trees and vines, even rocks. I stood up and looked at where I had been, in the hole in the ground, were a bunch of rock shards. I picked one up and examined it. "How the hell could anyone even develop something that petrifies living beings..." I set the shard down and grabbed some vines from a nearby tree to cover myself up.

Okay, so given the number of days that passed, I'd say that it's sometime in April. Don't know what day because I didn't pay attention to the date before I was petrified. But, I wanna say that it was... June... third? Yeah, let's go with that. That would make it April first now.

"Well, since my lazy ass woke up, some actual smart people should be too, assuming that they figured out what I did... Alright, first things first, some tools. If I remember correctly, there should be a river nearby that should have the rocks that I need. These ones are completely useless to me."

I wandered around the area and soon enough-

*Growl* *Chomp* *Splash*

I stopped dead in my tracks and went doe-eyed. I peeked through the bushes from where I was and saw FUCKING CROCODILES!!! I slowly started backing away until...


I froze again and saw that I stepped on a twig.

The sound of hurried shuffling met my ears and I immediately bolted.

"DAMNIT!!!" I yelled as the crocodiles chased after me. I soon spotted a low, thick branch. I picked up a bit more speed before jumping and grabbing onto it. I quickly hoisted myself up before climbing higher into the tree. "Okay... So no... more going to... the river..." I muttered in between pants. From my spot in the tree, I saw the crocodiles waiting at the bottom. "Fuck y'all... I'm leaving as soon as I catch my breath..."

A few minutes later, I was a lot better. I slowly clumb down a bit from my spot and balanced on a good-sized branch as I looked for another one on a different tree. Soon enough, I spotted one and jumped over to it. I lost my footing but managed to not fall to the ground. I repeated the process until the Crocodiles were out of sight and I was sure that I was really far away from them.

I sighed as I got out of the tree.

Which way was I even heading?

I looked at a tree and saw that I had been heading North.

"Okay, so I lived in Greenfield and the river wasn't that far away... then I should be around Harlem." I looked around and just saw more trees, albeit not as dense as it had been.

I decided to make this area my camp for the time being and I looked around for rocks again. Luckily, there were plenty of rocks that I needed.

It took a few failed attempts, but I eventually got the necessary knife/spear and ax blades along with a hammerhead.

Does this have a thick skull too? I thought with a chuckle.

I got back on task and started unraveling some vines with the knife tip. Oshiete yo, oshiete yo, sono shikumi wo...

I finished unraveling it and started twisting it again. After about an hour, I had some rope. A while later, I had primitive stone tools, yay.

Now, first thing's first. I grabbed a piece of my hair. "Good-bye, my frenemy." I cut my hair to where it was just above my shoulders. My bangs were short enough, so I didn't have to cut them. So, now, my hair is a bit choppy in the back but still lied smoothly on my head.

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