Chapter 7.

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Most of that night was spent talking, pausing only to get something to eat—though Mikansei just had a few snacks—and found that she felt a lot calmer, even after only a few hours of staying with them. If this was the way it was going to continue, then she didn’t doubt things would be fine here. Though there were some of them who had different personalities to her, she had just joined and worked for them; making them angry wasn’t something she was planning on doing. So she kept her mouth shut and let things go on. It wasn’t like it was particularly hard to do so. 

The missions were the last thing on her mind; if there was anything that she would be able to handle, it was the missions she would be given. It was just people she could never understand. True, analysing them and figuring out what they were feeling or in basic terms what they were thinking was easy, but reacting to them in a way that would create a bond was one thing that always escaped her grasp. She had never truly experienced a proper attachment with someone, and as she the years had passed, she was beginning to think she wouldn’t ever be able to have one. But she knew to obey those she worked for, and do the things she was supposed to, to keep them happy. Maybe that way things would be alright.

Sasori smirked as he watched Mikansei mix with the others, getting used to the idea of working with the group. She was a sweet girl; but there was still something he wasn’t sure of. Though she was slightly wary of people, she got on with them fine…but from what he had seen with Pein, it only came about when she knew she was working for someone. When she was obeying her leader’s orders and making sure missions were completed and she did things right for them. He had found her fighting those guys in the forest, and after speaking with her, she’d seemed uncertain; paranoid, even, about not having something to focus on.

The only problem was; her desired focus appeared to be being an utterly controlled soldier.

A weapon, even.

At this point Sasori was standing on the side of the room, having just entered from the kitchen. Suddenly Pein materialised by his side, and nodding his head in slight respect, he questioned as to what it was he wanted from him. Pein returned the nod, but twisted his head to look over at Mikansei as she conversed, and Sasori knew Pein had the same thing on his mind as he had just done, proven as he began quietly,

“How did you find her? And I mean in terms of her personality; how she spoke or acted towards you when you first talked.”

“She had been wary of us the moment I spoke to her, instantly falling into a defensive stance like most ninja would after the battle she’d just fought. But…she was nervous and jumpy; maybe a bit fearful—in a sense. She had known the men she fought before, but not knowing us, something brought up an instability within her.”

Pausing, Sasori turned his mind back to the first meeting, and how he had offered her the job to come into the Akatsuki a moment later, remembering how she had responded to that, and narrowing his eyes as he observed her now; the changes and the things that were still present, he continued,

“I said she needed to come with us, and it barely took her a moment to agree to do so. There was so much uncertainty in the way she acted, but in a strange way. With the battle and cautiousness as to whether we could be trusted…she was sure of that. Though it was us as people in general that made her pause, I know that for a fact. At the idea of a job, she immediately calmed, maybe seeing truth in us somehow, and accepted. I don’t know why she was around Tanju; who she was with before she came with us, but she gave her name and information quite easily.”

“So she’ll tell more once we begin to ask?”

“Most things, yes. But I get the feeling there are some things she doesn’t want to speak about. Maybe once she feels truly as if she fits in here, but until then…”

I'm Supposed To Be Made To Perfection But Without You I'm Nothing (Sasori Story)Where stories live. Discover now