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What the hell? I leave these shitheads alone to get out there feelings for two minutes and they repay me like this.

I picked up the now empty pan and chased the two out of the kitchen.

"The next hoe who comes near the kitchen I'll cut their d*** off"

"I guess I'm exempt then oppa"

"No hannah just no never call me that again but yes I guess you're exempt"

"Great" she flashed a smile before going back to scrolling on her phone.

Gosh teenagers these days.

"Minho you go sit down I'll tidy the mess up"


"Shhh don't say anything just go"

I looked towards Chan who was just as equally confused.

"Rosa are you sure?"

"Yeah go sit down it's the least I can do" she said looking down not being able to meet our eyes.

I left to go sit down.

I kept scolding everyone for being so hyper and only stopped when I got a call.


"Hey Minho can you do me a favour?"

"Sure what's up"

"I am going to have this important business conference in a while and I need someone to look after Angel. I hate being a burden but I can't exactly leave her with Jeongin after last time."

"Well in that case how about you all come over and tell Jeongin to bring Seungmin. Everyone is here and you can have the conference in my room and then spend the day with us, and please you and Angel will never ever be a burden on me. You're just a bit stupid that's all"

"Heyyy. But seriously thought thanks hyung I love you I'll be there in 10"

"Love you too get here safely bye"

And sure enough after 10 minutes he arrived.

He had the conference while we played with Angel. I found out that Rosa was really good with kids.

She looked like the perfect mother type.

She would make such a beautiful person and an amazing mother if it wasn't for her actions.

I hate her with all my soul but why do I feel the need to protect her at times.

It was time to change Angel and I offered to do it but I was stopped.

"It's okay Minho let me do it, I hate being a freeloader"

After the conference we were all gathered in the living room and we all couldn't help but notice Jeongin and Seungmin being extra flirty.

"Ehm get a room you two"


"We have noticed you two flirting all day is there something you need to tell us Seungminnie"

The both flushed multiple shades of red till they decided to settle down on a crimson red.

"...Jeongin is my boyfriend"

"Aish we knew it" we all teased.

A buzz of laughter shot through the room creating a special kind of vibration.

Smiles were seen across everyone's faces.

"I think we are all hungry now let's order some food. Uhh Changbin and Hyunjin help me set the table and stuff and order the food"

They both nodded knowing an important discussion was pending.

I wanted to call off the case against Rosa.

If what I know is true then if anything happened to her I wouldn't be able to forgive myself.

I wouldn't be able to live with myself.

If it was true then I would want nothing more than to give Rosa a new chance at life. A chance to live a better life.

I would want to take all that pain away.

I would want to make her happy. And if the news is fake or false then I will personally put her behind bars and I'll make sure of that.

But for now I want to drop all charges.

I want to get to the bottom of this.

"Are you sure?"

This is it.

The moment which changes everything.

"Yes, Mr Seo I Lee Minho would like to take back all charges made for the time being."

"May the truth succeed"


Ahahaha what do you think is going on hmm.

Also imma do a double update, both these chaps were prewritten from a couple days ago.

Peace out ✌🏼


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