First date=last

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Trigger Warning ⚠️ : contains offensive words gay slurs but it was for the plot and I sincerely apologise if I hurt anyone the word was censored so it doesn't directly say the word. It's only used once so the rest of the chap is fine.


My heart ached at the thought of everything Minho was going through.

I wanted to help him and protect him.

And what better way than a date. I know he had to be with the girl but that was because he had to not coz he wanted to.

I just dropped him off to that b****'s house.

I decided we would eat Mac Donalds, something light so we have enough space for our date.

I was gonna take him to a candlelight dinner, my company has many different branches for example a food branch, clothing/fashion branch, medical branch and so on.

I was CEO of our main branch which is in charge of all branch's.

I also owned everyone of these branches and was basically the big boss, and every branch has their individual boss but they can't make any big decisions without my confirmation.

Within the food branch we mainly import and export food but we have our own restaurant.

The rooftop is only VIP access and I was gonna have dinner with Minho up there.

It's gonna be great.

I was just setting everything up, reserving our table and making sure we have top security so rumours don't spread.

I was at the restaurant myself settle everything when Minho called me telling me to pick him up.

Luckily everything was done.

"Hey Min how did it go?"

"Shit, I don't know what this b**** wants but I am pissed off, this shithead tried kissing me, when I refused she started crying. I didn't care about it but what pissed me off is my when she tried telling me I am not a good boyfriend I don't look after her. What the f***! When tf did I become your bloody boyfriend"

"Damn that's a lot, but don't worry I've planned a lot for our date so be ready"

"Hmm so Mr Flirt is a romantic"

"I'm not sure maybe we have to find out"

"And how do we do that?"

"Well for starters you could stopped being so stressed and eat with me"

I stopped the car, he was so busy talking he didn't realise we reached Mac Donald's.

"I think I need to minus a few points Mr Flirt, I don't think Mac Donald's is the most romantic"

"You wait until tonight baby"

"I'll be waiting done worry"

"Okay let's go"

We made it inside Mac Donald's and decided to just eat in.

After we left to go home.

Minho said to drop him off at his house so I could pick him up so that it felt like a real date.

Most might think that he was being extra, but I think it was cute.

All I had to do was shower and get ready but I had some time so I decided to talk to Changbin for a bit.

"Hey Bin"

"Hi Chan what's up?"

"Me and Minho are gonna go on a date tonight and I am nervous as fudge"

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