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Not to long after Minho bursted into the room and Changbin told everyone to leave.

His face was tear stained and when our eyes met new fresh tears pored out of his eyes. It was too painful for me to see but I couldn't forget how I wasn't his number one priority.

"Channie I am really sorry. I-I don't de-deserve to be forgi-given I am really bad" he cried out loud.

I picked up my glass from the table next to me as I couldn't find a second glass and fed him some water to calm him down.

He held my hand and squeezed it.

Once he calmed down he started talking again.

"I love you so damn much Chan. So much it's scary. But I know that you'll always be by my side. I feel like I have failed at being by hour side."

I held his hand back.

"I am sorry Minho, I want eating or sleeping and I didn't tell you. I even consulted a second doctor for my migraines."

He looked shocked at my words but tried his best not to show it.

"I know I have been spending a lot of time with Rosa and it may seem like we are good friends which I won't deny I can admit we are friends but Chan I can't explain this situation now but I promise I will explain it when the times comes.

I will try my best to be there for you more often and I will make you my number one priority like you should've before.

Let me make it up to you. Let's go on a date. I honestly wanted to yesterday and was going to asked but Bambam was there and it kind of made me jealous but that's be the point. Let me take you out on a date"

I smiled at his words thinking he was cute. But decided to tease him.

"Oh but me and Bambam were going to hang out tomorrow"

"Oh" he face fell. "That's okay we can go the next day"

"I have plans with Bambam for the whole week"

"Oh ehm that's fine" he said as he slipped his hand out of mine.

"I'll go see what the doctor says and I'll tell Bambam to come and stay with you"

He got out of his seat and was ready to walk away when I grabbed his hand.

"Sit down" and he complied.

"I was just joking with you Min, you're my boyfriend and I don't want to be next to anyone that isn't you."

He smiled a little and whacked me lightly.

He kissed my forehand and then my lips before telling me he would go talk to the doctor for real to see when he could be discharged.

When he came back he said I would be allowed to go now but under Minho's care and I would have to be under a drip again for today.

"Don't worry Chan, if I be honest with you the reason I couldn't pick up your calls was because Rosa fainted as well."

"Wait she did how is she? Is she okay?"

"Yeah she is okay I guess. She'll have to stay in hospital for a few days and then imma hire a nurse. I'll probs call Lisa to come as I know she is a good and trustworthy nurse"

"Okay having a female with her at all times may make her more comfortable"

"Yeah that's true, should we get you discharged now though" he said smiling through his year stained face from previously.

He called the other boys in while he signed the paper works and when he came back him and Changbin shared the longest hug ever.

I laughed as they were normally polar opposites. Minho would always bully him but seeing how much they have grown closer it's cute.

He helped me out of the bed and held my hand as he took me to his car followed by the others except Changbin who drove my car since they used my car to bring me here.

The whole drive, Minho wouldn't stop looking at me and making sure I am okay.

Once we had reached home the others all got out and made them selves comfy in my house like they always do whilst Minho took my to my room.

"You wanna shower?"


"No what? I mean you wanna freshen up before I put the drip on you"

"What if I faint again in the shower?"


"If you're with me then you could catch me you know"

"Channie I know what you're tryna do"

"What I was just worried? Maybe you're not as worried about me as I thought you were? And it's not like you're a stranger you are my boyfriend"

After some convincing we ended up showing together before we dressed and he put me on a drip.

The whole way through he had a blush on his face that wouldn't leave.

I thought it was the cutest thing ever.

After he had finally out the drip in he asked me if I wanted to watch a movie which I agreed to so we ended up watching twilight the first one.

He dimmed the lights and told the maid to bring us popcorn which she did and he came under the covers with me.

He was so far away so I brought him closer to me and he lauded his head on my chest with my free arm wrapped securely around him.

The position was so comfortable I wanted to freeze time.

He hand one of his arms wrapped around my stomach and I touch my free hand and played with his hair.

And that's how we spent the whole movie.

"I love you Channie"

"I love you too Min" I said and kissed his head before hearing light snores leave his mouth.

Aww my baby fell asleep


This is just the peace for the storm hehe.

Peace out ✌🏼


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