Dear Journal,
So Piko and I went to run some errands earlier.
My car is now totaled, Piko's purse(?) got stolen, there was a stick-up at the bank we went to and we almost got shot (well, I almost did because I instantly pushed him out of the way and we were backed against the wall), the electricity at the grocery store we went to went down and everyone was locked inside and a riot broke out (and I'm still in pain from when I had to fight a Karen who tried to attack my boi), some creepy guy was following us and taking pictures and so I beat the shit out of him and then his creepy buddies came after us so I literally picked up my boi and ran as fast as I could while he called for help, and then Meiko yelled at us for getting into trouble.
...I'm gonna lie down for a very, very long time...
--Gumiya, Life's Favorite Punching Bag