Dear Journal,
Massive oof.
I fucked up, and so did everyone else.
So apparently I got drunk because we went to a party on deck, and somehow I got ahold of alchohol.
Mikuo and I didn't fuck, but I definitely got affectionate...
Oh boy.
Also, I was texting my boi earlier and he gave me updates on what's happening back home.
Apparently more people moved in, like Oliver, Miku, Arsloid, and some others. I'll have to meet them when I get home.
Now, where the others screwed up...
Someone I know--someone from the past--has moved in...
How? Why? I don't get it...
I never thought I'd see him again, and I didn't want to...
Fucking Yohio...
That's certainly going to be a hassle when I get back.
I wish I could stay in this moment with Mikuo forever...
--Gumiya, tired and hungover