Entry 21

22 6 8


Oh my

I'm in the corner of my cell laughing my ass off and crying my eyes out at the same time because this shit is fucking ridiculous

I got dragged out to go meet the cult leader (and the officers were grabbing at me again...ugh. best I could do was push into them because they tied up my hands) and I got to see more of where I am.

To be fully honest, I wish I could have just stayed in my cell.

I was lead through different corridors, which were all dyed a very particular shade of yellow...and then I saw multiple different areas with strange torture objects, and shrines, and...wells cult things.

We entered a large room, the largest in the pla———

Sorry, sorry, I started laughing again.

In the center of the room is a giant, golden statue of Len.

It's some sort of auditorium where they do full on rituals; although the strangest thing is that there is a large throne at the top of the stage at the front of the room.

Sitting upon the throne was none other than their cult leader.

She's such a bitch, but considering she's running a cult dedicated to Len Kagamine says a lot.

She practically floated down to me and did the obligatory villain spiel while taunting me and playing with my hair.

Apparently she sacrifices people who are attractive, or...uh...shit, there was more, but I kept get distracted by the fucking Len statue and all the other Len propaganda--for fucks sake, they even handwove BANNERS of him!!

And a lot of the paintings were of him naked...ugh.

Anyways, yeah. They're gonna sacrifice me so that Len can absorb my essence and become even more perfect or some shit. And so that there are less people to steal away from Len's glory.

If I wasn't going to be brutally murdered for the sake of a married idiot I would probably shoot myself right now.

Anyways, I'll probably get beat some more and felt up before they kill me. I gotta find some way out...

Also, I asked when I would get fed and she just started laughing and sent me back to my cell.





This Cult Leader is none other than Sukone Tei, and I'm gonna be sacrificed to Len Kagamine.

What a time to be alive.

Well, not for much longer


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