My love for her

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Liam POV

Is it my imagination or did she just squeeze my hand?

"Bree?" I ask cautiously, hoping that she will answer me and not shatter my already shattered heart.

Nothing comes forth.

I sigh and my shoulders slump. Why does my head have to keep hurting my heart?!

I lean down and kiss her cold forehead. God, does she ever not look beautiful? Even with those terrible scratches and bandages and tubes sticking out, she is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. My vision blurs and a tear slips out and lands on her cheek. I start to pull away but my hand is not able to get out of Bree's hand.

I look back at Bree and her hand. I bring my other hand and start to peel her fingers off of me.


My eyes shoot up and meet Bree's blue eyes. I'm filled with shock and happiness.

"Bree..." My voice catches in my throat, "Are you ok?"

"Everything hurts." She whispers. "But you make it better." She smiles.

I feel blush coming on.

"What do you mean? How do I make it better?" I ask, trying not to sound desperate.

"It was you. You made me use all my energy to squeeze my hand. You made me want to fight for my life. You were the reason I got in the car accident."

My heart sinks at the last part.

"How was I the reason?" I say, trying so hard not to cry.

"I was drunk. And sometimes, when you are drunk, things occur to you. Well, I danced with this weirdo who I didn't want to dance I imagined it was the only person I wanted to be with...the person I love. That's you Liam." She whispers but her words are music to my ears. Not just any music, the world's best music with violins and harps.

"Y-you love me?" I squeak. Wow, so manly.

"Isn't that what said or nah?" she jokes. God I love it when she jokes. A smile appears on her face and her eyes crinkle in the corners. God I love that smile. Especially when it's directed at me.

"I love you Aubrey." I say.

"I love you too Liam."

Her free hand wraps around my neck and pulls me in. She removes her hand from my hand and hugs me. She smells like a hospital. Which is not the best smell in the world. But I would smell this horrible smell if it made it possible for Bree to get better and hug me.

She starts to remove her hands from around my neck and I start to pull away. She lightly puts her precious hands on my face. I stop moving. And stare into her eyes. She looks directly into mine and I can't help but smile. She is beautiful.

She starts to move in and my heart stops. What is she doing? Is she doing that I want her to do?

She carefully places her perfectly soft lips on mine. My heart explodes into fireworks and I can't help but moan.

She pulls away and looks at me with wide eyes.

"Im so sor-" I start but she cuts me off my laughing. Her laugh cuts through the air and fills the room. I start laughing as well. This has got to be the best and worst day of my life.
"Hey!" A nurse barked at me. "Out, out, the girl needs her rest!" Before I left, I scribbled a note onto a crumbled piece of paper.
Don't you know how much I love you? It read.

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