New Girl

117 11 1

Chapter 18

Bree's pov

We were at the place where the concert was being held.

"Wow! So big!!!" I yell as. I run up on the stage.

Then Zee runs behind me.

"Bree be careful!" Zee yells as she chases me.

I'm running around and Zee is about to grab me when...

"Ahh!" We both yell as we fall to the ground. We both start laughing so hard we can barely breath.

"Are you guys okay?" Liam asks worried.

"We're fine!" We say panting

Zee and I get up when Chels comes over to us and says "They're always falling together. It's either Zee's chasing Bree or they're running into a hug and somehow manage to fall down."

Niall comes over and helps Zee up and I'm just laying on the floor looking up at everybody waiting for help. Then the manager comes out.

"Well hi my name is Paul, I met you five the other day but I never formally introduced myself. It's a pleasure to meet you Bree." He says holding his hand out.

I get up and smile at him. I shake his hand and say "it's a pleasure to meet you too. These are my friends Ash, Chels, Zee, and Chloe!"

"This is my assistant Lina." He says pointing to a girl. She looks about are age maybe a little bit older. She has short brown hair and is tall."

"Hello my name is Lina I will be showing you around." Lina says with a smile.

"Aw! But we wanted to do that!" The boys say whiningly

"I don't trust you five with five innocent girls. And you have to practice." Lina says teasing them.

The boys look depressed when she said that. I start laughing at what she said. She shows us a room. It's huge!! It has free food and a pool table and an inside jacuzzi.

"Wow!" Chloe says

"Dibs on the food!" Ash yells

"Well bye for now!" she says smiling and waving at us. We wave back and she's gone.

"Lina's really nice."' Zee says

"Ya!" I say excitedly

I run over to dance dance revolution, it looked like the ones from an arcade.

"Chels do you want to play against me?" I say

"Oh so you want to challenge me again! Starting up the war of 2014 are we! Well your on!" Chels declares.

"Yes but this time I'm winning!"

"You guys this is just going to end up with the two of you yelling at the top of your lungs!" Zee says trying to warn us." But don't you guys feel bad about leaving Lina out of the fun?"

We ignore her.

"So what song?" Chels asks

"Well let's see maybe the same song from back then." I say

"I don't think they have it." She says

I look for the song and see it. "YAY ITS HERE! Your going down Chels!" I declare

We play the song Make a Man Out of You from the movie Mulan. It was a good war but in the end Chels won!

"I hate you Chels." I say depressed

"You shouldn't challenge the best then!" Chels says proud

"You're not the best! You probably cheated!" I say pointing at her

Never letting Go (1D fanfic and friendship story)Where stories live. Discover now