The Tickets To England

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Chapter 2

"Then I would cut your long hair!'! I said with a devilish smile


"Well then I guess you will have to do your dare,"l sneered

we all chuckled.

"Lets watch a movie!" Chloe said trying to change the subject.

"ok. But what?" Ash asked

"PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 4!!!" I squealed.

"NOOOOOOO!!!!!!" they all said in unison

"Why?! It's not that scary! Are you guys scared?!"

"No!! It's just...... I don't want to", Ash said quietly.

"Fine" I said with a pouty face while they all rolled their eyes.

"What about Toy Story? I mean we all like that movie, don't we?" I smirked

"sure!" Zee laughed

"I'm all in!" Chloe giggled

"why not" Ash said

"yay!" Bree said not getting the Liam Payne reference.

~after the movie~

Bree, Chloe, and Ash are sprawled out one top of each other in blankets on the floor. Zee and I silently giggled at each other at the sight of our friends. Tomorrow we are leaving for England! We are all packed and ready to go. I'm really excited because I've never been outside of the U.S. before. I live in California but I have only been to Arizona once, and Nevada a couple of times.

~In The Morning~

My mom made pancakes, bacon, eggs, and toast. I was the first person awake. Seeing that everyone else was still sleeping, I thought of a devious plan. I threw my pillow at Zee because her head was on my legs. She woke up and got mad at me. I was then given the stink eye.

"Lets wake everyone else up" I whispered. She nodded her head and we grinned at each other.

"on the count of three"




We jumped up and pulled off their blankets and threw pillows at them and started jumping around. They got really mad at us and Zee and I where laughing our heads off.

"HEY! WHAT THE HELL!" Chloe screamed while snatching her blanket back and threw her pillow at us, which made us laugh even more.

"Girls!! Hurry down for breakfast!!" My mom yelled

"Five more minutes mom!!" I screamed

"But sweety today is the day that you go to England!! Hurry!!" 

Ash instantly jumped up and bonked her head on the coffee table. which made us laugh even harder.

Eventually we all got up and ate. We got dressed and jumped in the car and my mom drove us to the airport. When we got out we grabbed our luggage and went inside. After checking in I accidentally bumped into someone. I'm such a clutz.

Naturally I said "Oh My Gosh I'm So Sorry." and started to walk off but someone grabbed my arm.

"No I'm sorry I should watch where I'm going"  said a really cute guy with a sheepish smile.

I blushed "Hi I'm Chelsea" I said sticking my hand out, God im so stupid!!

"Chase" he said while shaking my hand......awkward (AN: Chase pic>>>>)

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