What the heck just happened?

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Chloe POV

Everyone is laughing after what that bitch did to me!! I have to admit...she did a good job to scare me!! I'm not easily scared...well...that's a lie. I'm like the easiest person to scare. I scream about the smallest thing. But weirdly I don't scream about snakes. Snakes don't scare me. Weird right? Yeah I'm weird!! Haha but I love myself. That sounds so wrong!!! Anywho....everyone is laughing and I finally give it to Chels and I laugh. Louis is like totally rolling on the ground and is curling up in a ball grabbing his stomach and laughing. He even snorts!! So attractive!!! Not.

"Ok! Everyone!! Breakfast is ready!! Go get some!!" Zee laughs.

Everyone gets up and goes downstairs. I have never felt such a happy environment. I walk down the stairs so happily but then...SLIP!! I'm flat on my face. I hear laughter. I turn my aching face in the direction of the evil laughter. Ash. THAT BITCH!! Warm ness comes to my nose and mouth. I lick my dry lips and taste something salty. Blood. Just great!!

"Why did you do that?!" I moaned.

"Cuz you weren't paying attention!! I thought it would be funny!!" She cackles.

"My nose is bleeding!! And you think that is funny?!" I scream. Everyone is gathering at the foot of the strains where I am sprawled.

"Absolutely!!" She giggles

"What kind of friend are you?!"

"A friend that laughs when you fall."

"Yeah, a bitch that hurts a friend and could have caused them to break their fucking nose!!"

"You are over exaggerating!!"

Zee picks me up. "That's not funny. She could have broken a rib or her nose. This is serious. You can't trip someone when they are walking down stairs!!" She says sternly.


"Excuse me!! This is not a Whatever!! You hurt a friend. Most importantly, a best friend....no, even more than that, she is our sister. Well... Sort of. But it doesn't matter. You hurt her. She is bleeding. Blood is not a good sign!!" Zee says louder.

"You sound like my mom!!" Ash yells. "So shut up!!"

Everything is silent.

"Bitch." Chels says loudly.

"I hate to do this ash, but she is right. That was bitchy!!" Says harry kind of scared.

Ash look hurt.

"Harry? How could you turn your back to me?" Ash whispers.

"I haven't, I'm defending my friends." He says confidently.

"You have turned your back on ME!!" She yells.

"I'm not a cheater like that boyfriend of yours!!" He says

"He is not a cheater!! He just strayed for a bit!!" She yells

"He Strayed for the whole time we have been out of the US!!" Chels says.

"Well he made a mistake!! He wants me back!! He told me so!!"

"His new ex girlfriend dumped him when she found out he cheated on you!!" I said clutching my nose

"You guys don't know anything!!!" She yells. "You know what!! I'm leaving!! I don't fit in anymore and no one gets my sense of humor and you are talking badly about my boyfriend!!"

She storms upstairs and slams the door. We hear thuds and sobbing.

What the heck just happened? Everything was going just great until she tripped me. What the heck just happened?!

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