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The song for this chapter is Devil, Devil - MILCK.

*TRIGGER WARNING: this chapter contains extremely violent themes and includes drug use. If any of these themes trigger you then please don't read on & stay safe!*


I'd fully thrown myself into the deep end with no intentions of attempting to float back to the surface

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I'd fully thrown myself into the deep end with no intentions of attempting to float back to the surface. 

I was fully submerged in the water, reveling in the feeling of finally being free. I could feel the oxygen deprivation cut off all of the circulations to my brain as impulsiveness took over every fiber of my being. To know that I was in full control of when I chose to rise back to the surface was exhilarating. 

I had all the power in the palms of my hands and I was going to fucking use it. 

Harry and I had decided that we were going to go directly off the rails and break free of the chains that had us cuffed to following orders and protocol as soon as we shared that adrenaline-fuelled interaction in the lounge room of Sinners. It was a pure rush of success when Harry didn't even hesitate to take me up on my deranged proposition; I knew it wouldn't have been difficult to get him to agree with a little bit of seduction and manipulation, but I thought he would have challenged me slightly. To know that I held that much power over such a character like him almost had me questioning my capabilities and why I hadn't done these types of stuns for years. 

I was glad I decided to test my talents on Harry though. 

He would make an excellent partner in crime. 

Not to mention he wasn't bad on the eyes either. 

As soon as our moment in the lounge fizzled away, Harry informed me that we had somewhere to go. We hadn't even discussed how we were going to go off the rails; we had no plan in place. We were going to go into whatever came our way with complete impulsiveness. 

Exactly how I liked it. 

That's how we ended up outside of an apartment complex in downtown Los Angeles, an area that was the base foundation for the underground crime. A lot of street crime and gangs operated in this area because of Skid Row and the rampant drug and violence scene that occurred there. A lot of gang money was made in the impoverished area, which was irony within itself. The apartment complex that Harry parked his car outside of wasn't luxurious by any means but it wasn't completely derelict and falling to pieces either. It was your standard apartment complex that you would expect normal mundane people to inhabit. You could tell from the outside maintenance that it wasn't incredibly well cared for but it was still presentable considering the area it occupied. As we exited Harry's vehicle, I felt his presence next to me within seconds. He stayed close by my side as we walked our way up to the apartment building's front entrance, stopping outside as Harry rang the buzzer. I lifted the sunglasses off my face so they were resting on top of my head as we waited for an answer on the other end of the intercom. 

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