Twenty-Three. (Part 0.2)

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The song for this chapter is Being Evil Has A Price - Heavy Young Heathens.


"Cora wants me to fucking do what?"

I was stood in a blissful daydream and buttoning up my black shirt, fantasizing about the many ways I was going to assassinate Antoni Delgado when André strolled in and shattered my reverie with a message from Cora.

I could sense the tension in his jawline as he stood behind me, locking our gazes in the reflection of the mirror as the words left his lips. André was never much of a talker, nor was he much of a person in the spotlight either, so him being sent as Cora's messenger was ultimately due to Niall and Zayn both collectively deciding to sit this one out.

The poor fucker wasn't even supposed to be here; Niall had demanded that he accompany us due to one of André's associates already having an invitation to the event. We'd decided to send a few other men to assist watching Celeste with Seth to ensure that nothing was to go south with André being gone.

"Cora wants you to accompany her to the luncheon as her date. She insists that it's the only way to ensure that you don't get caught out by Antoni. Don't shoot the fucking messenger though, mate," he confirmed, flickering his gaze to the floor as he anticipated my response.

I let out a low groan as I fixed my tailored black blazer over my shirt, my fingers working their way along the collar to fix any mishaps. I refrained from exploding in anger at André over Cora's request; there was some logic behind her sick mastermind plan, I couldn't argue with that. However, the concept of having Cora latched onto my arm throughout the entirety of the luncheon playing happy partners made my stomach churn.

There was no denying that Cora was an absolute sight to behold but she was no comparison to Celeste Delgado.

The woman who was caught up in the middle of all this fucking mess.

"Very well. Anything Cora Malik requests shall be granted."

The words left my lips in such a harsh and aggressive manner that André almost flinched as the venom seethed out. He cleared his throat and nodded once before turning on his heels to leave the room but my next words cut through the air, making him halt dead in his tracks.

"This associate of yours, André. Who is he? Give me a run down."

He turned back to face me, the pad of his thumb running across his lower lip as he placed his hands behind his back and locked our gazes once more.

"Matteo Aggostó. He's an elite amongst the Italian underground drug sector. Twenty-three. Best of his age for what he does. He's got ties with several of Antoni's closest associates, hence why he got an invite. He's agreed to navigate us around the luncheon and point out persons of interest."

I nodded as I took in the information that he was giving me, a small smile forming on the corners of my lips as I took several steps forward to close the distance between us. A hint of fear flickered through André's irises before I replied with my next statement.

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