The vibrator's bathroom

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For those of you who don't know, Alphys's "bathroom" is actually the True Lab.

Blueberry POV

Footsteps echoed along with the sweet, steady sound of rain on my umbrella. That was Papyrus, coming to ask if we could go home yet. Why did I, the magnificent Sans, fall asleep while working? That was Papyrus's job! Music was playing, and it reminded me of the tune a tiny Asriel used to hum when he skipped to the Ruins to pick buttercups for Asgore, a year before the human fell. I guess that was why it reminded me of him.

I opened my eyes only to be sent hurtling back to reality. I was being chased by a literal murderer who happened to be gaining on me. So this was a weird situation. But it wasn't like me to run and hide. I gulped down my fear and stayed in place. It was going to be OK. It was. I was sure of it. Do you think that even the worst person can change? Do you promise to abide by that rule forever? Yes. I do believe. Believe, Blue. Just believe.

My voice was a choked whisper. "W-why did you follow me?"

"I... I don't know."

"I really do think that even the worst person can change. That includes you."

"Is this... a hug of acceptance?" I whispered. But then...

Plap plap peteralo.

Purple bone on my left. Easy, right? Yeah. All right, I'm not so used to bullet boards! Alphys showed me one, but I'm tiny, and I can go wherever I want? The opponent towers above me. I don't like this. But then...

FIGHT                ACT                      ITEM                     MERCY 

Obvious choice, mercy! Maybe that'll work.

Ok, it didn't work. Maybe I can act and make Dust want to spare me? Yeah, that makes sense. What do I know about Dust? Let's see, he has high LOVE, he hates my cooking, and he's kinda cute... Wait, that's not helpful!! Unless...

ACT —> Flirt

"What the heck?"

*Dust is confused.

Wait, who was that? Never mind, probably nothing. Uhm, I need a plan. So wait, um, I can also flee. But the magnificent Sans wouldn't do that? I'll just spare him! Your turn...

YOU WON! YOU EARNED 0 EXP AND 5 GOLD. Huh, there's that voice again. So sparing made it go away. Now I'm just here. Great!! Oh, but now they're sitting in my spot.

Dust POV

Did I spare them? Worse than that, I RAN AWAY! I'm forgetting the goal. Chara will come, won't they? And I won't be ready. And I just can't spare. I can't. I don't want to! I wasn't supposed to enjoy this! What went wrong?

Never mind, what am I thinking? I don't need Blueberry or anyone, so there. He called me Dust anyways. And he's such an idiot! He doesn't understand it. He never will.

I really sound like that stupid weed.

Blueberry POV

"Hey. Come back..." I whispered.

"Why did you flirt?"

"I don't know. I-I just did it..."

I felt hot in the face and sort of awkward. I giggled uncontrollably before covering my mouth. Dust looked at me with a red eye and told me to please just go away.

"You're in my way."

A/N: Three words have never had so much meaning. Dust is actually QUOTING a corrupted Chara. His LV is getting the better of him. In my way. Ring any bells, Undertale fans? Now Blueberry is his only savior... By the way, Dust refers to Alphys as "the vibrator" while numb with LOVE (The acronym, for all you hoping).

Dust POV

I have to get to the last corridor without that stupid kid blocking me. But there could be more to do. I can't teleport when the job isn't done. I have to find Alphys. Yes, that little vibrator got away from me. Maybe he's been hiding in the bathroom?

I busted the door open. I was greeted by two furious eyes, completely blank: a blue scarf and a red scarf on top, blue gloves, and bared teeth. A lot of EXP was crowded behind him, fearful and enraged as well. I was summoning my bone when Papyrus screamed at the top of his lungs at me. He didn't let up. And then, I felt a blow hit my stomach. But I kept flying back into the wall. Blueberry was using telekinesis? The wall cracked around me, and I felt the damage with surprising strength. Tears stung in my eyes for the first time since I killed the first Froggit.

What are you doing, Sans?

Step. Forward. Now.

I couldn't. I was absolutely paralyzed, and it wasn't by blue magic, either. I blinked back tears again. My eyes squinted, trying not to cry. I shouldn't be crying over these. I don't cry anymore.

Blueberry, blueberry, blueberry, blueberry, blueberry, blueberry...

Where was that coming from? Someone was... cheering for him? I... I have to ignore it. I kept walking out of the lab. Maybe I should just start grinding Hotland encounters again. Alright, Pyrope. What have you got? FIGHT. 



It's hard to explain how I felt then. Like I was the only one in the universe that really mattered. But... there was no one else. Except in the vibrator's bathroom. But Blueberry's there. I slipped my hood farther onto my head. What was wrong with me?

I slapped myself in the face. It didn't hurt.

I tried to think of my friends. But nothing happened.

I tried to think of Papyrus. But... nothing happened.

I tried to think of anyone important to me.

But nobody came.

Nobody came to mind.

Suddenly I was stunned back to Earth as small arms squeezed me. I tried to think about the hug, about who it was coming from. Blueberry. Papyrus was cheering for Blueberry. Blueberry made me feel like myself. Like I couldn't be the same, but... I could try. I didn't even worry about Player for a second. I knew it was impossible to beat them. I knew it would be over for both of us. But I could try. I could try for everyone, I could try for Blueberry.

And I could try for Alphys, and Papyrus, and EVERYONE. I could try for everyone I forgot that I loved. I tried to hug Papyrus, but I fell over. Blueberry looked at me, questioningly. So I hugged him instead.

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