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Abso: Uhhhhh... I'm just writing a funny part to my fanfiction... I haven't even played Deltarune...

Jevil: Oh. Bye.


Today was your average day in the Dustberry House.

But this means that things were chaotic.

Dust and Player were on each other's last nerves. As usual. Blue was trying to be a mediator, which worked to some extent. It reminded me of the popular ship dynamic (that I like) where one person is always getting into trouble or into fights and the other person is always apologizing about it. Yeah, I'm into watching compilations of ship dynamics now. I think they're adorable. Another one for this book is where one person is super friendly and naive and the other person is ready to snap your neck if you look at the first person the wrong way. 

Don't get me wrong, I don't think any of these dynamics would be a healthy relationship in real life, nor do I wish to glorify unhealthy relationships.

B u t   t h i s   i s   a l r e a d y   s e l f - c e s t .

W e l c o m e   t o   t h e   f a n d o m .

Anyways, for another thing, there were ducks parading about the house. Yootus and I were riding two giant ducks. Maybe we should all get out more often.

I guess that's what Blue was thinking when he insisted we go to this random park.

I was on the playground on the monkey bars twisting myself into crazy positions and then trying to get out of them. This is my idea of fun. Player was pretending to read, but actually they had our window minimized (they were currently not in the immersive mode I added) and they were playing Genshin Impact, which is my new favorite game (just to play, I don't actually care about the plot, I'm still partial to Undertale). Anyways, Dust and Blue were sitting on a bench together, feeding Yootus's ducks. Yootus was recording the whole thing, including their conversation:

Dust: Uh, where does she get these ducks?

Swap: I think they're from outer space!

Dust: Maybe, but wouldn't ducks from outer space look different from normal ducks?

Swap: True, but some of the ducks are big enough to ride.

Dust: Yeah, I guess.

Swap: Whatever, they're cute.

Dust: You're cuter.

Swap: HEY!

Dust: Um, we're dating, I'm allowed to call you cute.

Swap: Fine...  o(〃'^'〃)o

They didn't talk much aside from that.

U n t i l .

Time to add a bit of the second ship dynamic I mentioned! I also want Dustberry to meet a Karen!

A lady that looked about fifty with a short haircut that sort of curled around her head (you know) looked at Dust and Blue like they were the World's Largest Booger. Dust noticed, but Blue only saw that someone was looking at them. He exclaimed, "Hey there! You can call me Blue! What's your name?"

"Why would I tell YOU what my name was?"

"Um, because I want to make friends with you?"

"Why would I want to be friends with a monster?"

"Because I'm nice and I'm a good friend!"

"Ugh, monsters like you should have stayed underground."

"Why, the surface is awesome!"

"Because you're MONSTERS!"

"So?" (Dust pulled his hood up instinctively.)


Tears pricked in the corners of Blue's eyes.

Dust blurted out, " E x c u s e   m e ? "

"You heard what I said, " the lady replied. "Monsters shouldn't--" Dust cut her off. "You do NOT speak to my boyfriend that way."

"You're a girl? You shouldn't be wearing such boyish clothes."

"I'm a boy, and what does it matter to you, (female dog)?"

"Disgusting, you're gay?"


"You're going to hell."

"I know, and it's not for the reason you think," Dust growled.

"What in the world do you mean? Is that a threat?"

"No, do you want it to be a threat?"


I heard the commotion and got everyone out of there. And almost everyone lived happily ever after.

A/N: Look at that! 666 words not counting this! Lol. Anyways, @Quackquack903, are you out there? Are you okay? It's been over a year...

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