The shitpost I promised (funny?) (Some floof but still sin-free)

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A day in the life of Swap/Blue in the house we bought earlier in the story...

I wake up earlier than anyone else and start making tacos the way the recipe book taught me. It's a typical day with not much to do except wait for something interesting to happen, so I decide to check my phone for anything interesting. Eventually, I realize there's nothing for me here so I decide to Google myself. In hindsight, this wasn't the best idea. So apparently people think I'm a yandere, huh? That's odd and goes against all my morals, but I guess it's an alternate universe so I don't really care. I wonder why the heck people think that, but whatever it's not my business. Besides, Abso would kill me if I dared to scroll any farther into this kind of thing, in general she wants to protect my innocence or something.

Yootus's alarm clock goes off and I'm stunned out of my daze browsing. A few snooze buttons later, everyone except for Abso is up. I'm surprised at how ridiculously well Abso can sleep through everything, but she was up until two in the morning yesterday, so I guess it makes sense. Since we're all awake except Abso, who's usually the preventer of chaos, things get a little weird. Dust cuddles up to me while Yootus goes on a ride all around on a giant duck like it's a horse. It's kind of fun to watch. Also, Dust suddenly turned into a cinnamon roll and looks SO CUTE sleeping next to me. I plant a kiss on the top of his head and his eyes fly open, he blushes out of humiliation and likely because we're clearly soulmates. I can't tell if he's mad, but it's a little funny still to see someone as insensitive and numb as him freak out over a kiss. Obvious tsundere... Haha. I laugh and give him a pat on the head like he's a kitten or something, and he growls at me but he's smiling too, and then we both burst into laughter. He falls back asleep. As for Player, she's sitting there staring at us making a face that I don't exactly get, and I realize that SHE'S RECORDING. Seeing my anger she stops, but not before I yell, "HEY!!" Player looks a little panicked until I say, "You know what? Do whatever." She gives me a sideways look. "I wouldn't say that to someone like me," she laughs, "or you might end up in utter desolation."

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