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"Hey Blue, have this."

Dust tossed Blueberry a SOUL. Everyone who didn't have the required SOUL power to cross the barrier took one.

Blueberry : Integrity

ABSO : Perseverance

Quack : Justice

(In this timeline humans and monsters can absorb any soul. Dust has the power equivalent of a human soul, and so does the player).

At a random house because plot convenience 😅

Everyone made themselves at home. There were 3 bedrooms, and Player immediately separated themselves from the others by locking off the smallest room. Blueberry fell asleep adorably on a two person bed which Quack scrambled to fill by cuddling up with him before ABSO dragged her off because... well... It is a Dustberry book. Don't worry, they are just together. Nothing weird happens. Maybe they snuggle up together, but that's IT. Understood?

Moving on, ABSO and Quack shared a room with a bunk bed. ABSO took the bottom and made it into a fort, while Quack hovered to the top. Next to the bed was a table with a random gun and a keyboard.

Meanwhile, Dust and Blueberry had had enough excitement for a week and were fast asleep together. They hadn't even gotten their pajamas on. 

The player had flopped onto their bed and gone AFK for lunch (Their time was slower, of course). Quack came in and left an ominous message saying "I'll be watching you better be good around my smol bean or I paint the stairs black and white and toss you down em" The player had played Omori over 100x so didn't give a crap when they saw it, they knew the plot inside and out.

Once everyone was asleep, the player booby trapped the entire house...

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