chapter 13:the meet-up

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Hey fellas ... I'm back !!! .Missed me ?
Wyn's POV

What's wrong with him ? Why is he doing this ? I like him I really do , its just , whenever I'm around him , I die inside and I feel like idk what to do. I forget how to breathe.

I'm in my bedroom right now and I'm doing homework. What happened earlier in school with Legend was not so great. He was trying to talk to me but I didn't want to. Maybe I'm just over reacting about that kiss but it wasn't really on the lips.

"What the fuck I don't get this !"

Math homework. It's really hard to deal with this shit you know. I hate it. But tbh, I used to love math. Now don't make fun of me but I do. I always loved solving problems and finding square roots of very large numbers. Then idk what happened. But I guess I still love math that's why back when I was in grade 8, people who has the same class with me just runs up to me and asks me about the math homework and how to do it.

After hours of answering and dealing with math shit, I was finally finished. My brain is totally drained. Since that was the only homework, I decided to fix my things and just lay down in bed. I checked the time and it was already 7:00. Strange. I remember something about meeting someone at this time. But I shook it off. Even if I am going to meet someone, I won't go anyways.

I opened my phone and checked for any notifications or at least any updates on twitter. I saw this tweet and I couldn't believe my eyes.

(( OmFG I don't know if ThIs is A reAL acc on Twitter so mehehHehe but I did saw this TWeet and I CRIED . Is tHis true ???))

grandelux1d_ : zayn is leaving. That's it. But we have to stay strong. We just have to. For Zayn.

What ?! Okay I never knew about this. I love Zayn Malik with all my heart and I'm going to miss his high notes . What happened to this guy ? Oh my gosh, I need to be more updated. Ugh. I need to look for more tweets about Za-

*tun tun tun tun tun tun tum tun tun tuntun tun tun

*((for those who didn't get this part. Y'all, this is an iPhone alert for calls and all that. You know when YOU ReCeive a CalL and then that faMiliaR catchy tone Plays ... Yeah I'm sorry I don't KnOw how to desCriBe it so MehehehMe))

Someone was calling me. It was from an unknown number. I had to answer it even if it was some dude who's either trying trying to prank call me or just a wrong number.

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