chapter 12: why ?

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It was still a mystery.

I don't know who sent me that message.

Me and Belle didn't find the time to go to the mall together since it was a busy week. We had to postpone it.

It was another usual morning. Gray clouds filled the lifeless skies. The trees stand still. Flowers sway back and forth to the wind.

The school hallways, the place where outcastes are sentence to suffer and where clingy senior girls rule the social ladders. A place where beings like me chose to be invisible.

I watched ad every student turn their head to a similar direction. Down the hallways, Nikki walks for attention, together with her friends.

We hate each other's guts.

A senior and head of the cheer squad. Everybody was obliged to worship her. Although she still has a major crush on Legend, ( I am a bit jealous ) she was any man's dream. Chesty, white and beautiful and to top it all off her vivaciously personality stood out in any crowd.

" Oh its you again " she said with a hint of sarcasm in her voice as she scanned me from head to toe.

"Is there a problem ?" I replied.

"no , not at all. Girls , let's roll out "

"well then Nikki, good day" I said, trying to hide my laugh

" oh I wish I could say the same " then she murmured something else to the air as she rolled her eyed and continued to walk.

I ignored at what just happened and shook it off.

Something was disrupting the current equilibrium but as soon as I heard the screams of junior girls, I knew what was going on.

Legend Eckhart was going on .

what seems to be the big deal about him ? I thought. After what happened last night, after that kiss on the cheek he gave me, what else ?

I can't stay mad at him. What was I thinking. He was the most popular, hottest sex god senior to have ever walked on the face of the Earth. He was clearly beautiful.

Every girl's eyes sparkled at the sight of his dark orbs. It would melt anyone just to stare at his reflection. But their spirits went down to when Nikki approached Legend.

"hey babe" she said

"babe ?" Legend asked in confusion

" babe, don't embarrass me again , don't dump me" she pouted.

" I didn't dump you, how can I dump you when there was never an us ?"

He said while he was running his hand through his hair.


The girls giggled at continued to scream. Legend didn't seem to mind. He was now walking towards me.

Oh no.


Legend's POV

Fangirls. Always the wild ones. I smiled at them and waved back. I see some familiar faces from last night. That's right. I have fans here and at Cayson's school.

But it was no biggie.

I was looking for Winter. I like to call her that way.It sounds more beautiful.

"hey babe"

I turned around. I saw Nikki. It was a horrible disgusting look. I wanted to throw up.

"babe?" I asked pretending to be confused

"babe, don't embarrass me again , don't dump me" she pouted.

" I didn't dump you, how can I dump you when there was never an us ?" I told her

That was the truth. I didn't dump her.There wasn't even an us. Why would she accuse me before and make pretend ? She is just stupid.

I ignored her look. I spotted her. Winter. I went near her. But she was like scared. She was putting her books back in her locker fast and she quickly walked away.

"Winter wait !" I shouted but she pretended that she didn't hear it.

I shouted once more, "Winter !"

She didn't respond .

But I am persistent.

I ran up to her and grabbed her hand which made her turn around. She quickly tried to break her hand free but she couldn't.

"legend let go" she exclaimed

but I just made my grip stronger

"legend it hurts enough already let go"


"legend stop!" she nearly shouted at that last word.

"im sorry, its just ... you're ignoring me "

"ignoring you ?"

she barely spoke

"I'm not ignoring you Legend, i am avoiding you ... "

"you're what?"

"you heard me, im avoiding you , so please , "

"why ? did I do anything wrong ? "

but she didn't respond. She walked away. What did I ever do to her ? Was it because of the kiss ? It was only on the cheeks. Is it  that bad ?

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