chapter 6:glad to be home

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Legend's POV : (yes that's right , legend's POV)

It is almost 8, its like 7:36 and Wynona is still not here. Ever since what happened yesterday between us, I couldn't stop thinking about her. I don't know why. I mean the way she sounded so kind and sweet.Her eyes were greenish or brownish or something. Hazel-like. Her eyes were like heaven. Her skin was soft. I mean, I didn't touch her or anything, but of course, we were under one umbrella, and she has to stay close or else she'll get wet. Hey hair was brown, perfect. She was okay. No, more than okay. Elisha, my sister, kept on teasing me about her. She says that she also met Wynona before. She said that she defended her from Nikki, accusing her of something. I can still remember me and Elisha's little talk about that.

*Elisha and legend talking (flashback) *

"She was cool.She was nice.And she kinda mentioned your name.I bet she likes you"

"shut up el, I know her but we barely talk."

"well, maybe if you see her, thank her for doing that to me, she was brave out there "

"yeah,i'll do something good in return and  she was brave, but I think she would scream if she was ever sees a roach."

"how can you tell ?"

"grade eight memories Elisha, grade eight memories"

*end *

"I'm sorry I'm late"

That's when I heard a familiar voice. She came in blasting through the doors, tired, exhausted, she looks like she's been running from China all the way here.

"Mrs. McNeal, what happened ? You look like you've been running all the way through China upto here" Mr. Jax, our English teacher , told her. Looks like he read my thoughts.

"I'm sorry. I woke up late coz I was trying to finish this homework and my lil brother and I had a lil fight and it was I had to run from my house all the way through here coz there were no more cars moving around or whatever. My mom couldn't leave the house and my dad went somewhere and I was almost hit by a car and-"

Hit ?! By a car  ?! What is going on here ?! After she was done explaining, she looked like she was going to lose her mind and she couldn't breathe well.

I'm scared.

"Calm down Miss McNeal and drink some water. Have you done the homework ?"

"no" she said in frustration

"Well then, I'll give you till tomorrow to finish that, but you still have to stay for detention, clear ?"

"yes sir"

"good that. Now go find a seat. Okay class, as I was saying ..... "

I kinda feel sorry for her.

Wynona's POV

I found a seat between Belle and Legend. Omg! Belle was here ! She's back! I hurriedly sat down and smiled at her like an idiot.

"I missed ya Belle !" I whisper-shouted

"omf! omf! me too, its glad to be home !!" she did the same too

"you alright ? how come you were almost hit by a car ? " she continued

"this guy was driving beyond the speed limit and then ugh long story. What matters most is that I'm alive and safe "

"I agree. Hey I'm going to the mall tomorrow to buy stuff , wanna come ?"

"sure. I missed doing that with you Bellie "

"I missed it too"


Me and Belle sat in our usual places, but this time, Matty, Aslyn and Ienne were also there. Oh and Elisha too. We all know each other very well , well, except for Elisha, coz she was the new one in our squad.

"Omg Belle ! You're back ! How was your trip ? " Matty started the convo

"God, It was so fucking cold there" belle laughed

"hey, no harsh words in front of the food" ienne told them

"oh shit this pasta is so good" Aslyn played along

"I said no harsh words ! " ienne told them again

The four of them chatted happily together, while I was busy entertaining Elisha.

"Don't worry El, don't feel outcasted. You're always welcome in my squad. You just have to hang out with us more so you can get to know more about us. " I said, while giving her a friendly smile.

"Yeah Elisha, you can totally hang out with us" Belle butted it

"Well , it is good to have you back Belle. Class isn't the same without you. Without your ootds and stuff. " Elisha smiled back

"no problema" Belle said as she munched her toasted bread with nutella inside

"oh uhm what did you just call me?" Elisha asked while facing me

"oh uhm el" I replied

"my brother keeps on calling me like that."

"oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to"

"no its okay , you do know him right ? I mean you might freak out that he IS my brother but he's not that older than me, I just came after him by 2 minutes. "

"uhm okay, who is he ?"


she was cut off by ienne

"Yoo-hoo ! Winter, Romeo is here !"

Romeo? What was this girl talking about ?

I faced Ienne and she told me to look to my left, I asked her why and she said, "ciz romeo is coming so get dressed up Juliet" and I just gave her a confused look but I looked to my left anyways

Then I saw Legend.He was walking towards our table.Near our table, near me.

And my heart keeps in beating faster.

Romeo.Legend. My romeo.My Legend.



Cliffhanger ? Haha xD

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