chapter 11:LOST

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Legend's POV

"Hey Tyrone"

I'm here. I'm late. But I know these guys won't and can't start without me.They need me.

"Dude! You're late !! Are you even ready ?"

Tyrone scolded at me while he was looking at me from head to toe

"yeah I am, I'm sorry, there was a misunderstanding between me and my cousin but we're cool now"

"I don't care let's go"

Tyrone grabbed my arm but here's what I saw. I saw Wynona. She was here. She was beside Tyrone the whole time. What is she doing here ? I stared at her for a few seconds. She stares back, but she eventually looks away. "Winter ?" I whispered to myself "huh? what did you say ?" "nothing Tyrone, let's get a move on"

"I'll be back. We're gonna perform already. you can get a better view there " Tyrone said to Wynona while he was dragging me to the platform. "okay Cayson, good luck" she replied . I just kept on looking at her. As if, I can't take me eyes of- "Legend Focus !! 10 more seconds before we start " I didn't noticed we were already onstage "sorry tyrone"

"you seemed to be troubled, you keep on staring at someone .... "

"uh ... no I'm not just a lil dizzy"

"well then do something about it, this will be quick, don't worry "

"uh .. ok"

Simone started to signal us with his drumsticks, and then he started playing the beat. Owen was doing his thing with the guitar, and so was Tyrone.

Tyrone will give me "the look" or it's like a signal when will I start singing. He always does that, even though I know when's my part. But this time, I wasn't thinking about that and I didn't look at Tyrone. I looked at the crowd. They were enjoying and having fun. I was searching for Wynona. where could she be ? I thought she was gonna watch ? I thought. Suddenly , Tyrone was already whisper-shouting at me and started giving me a bunch of "looks" its my cue , so I started singing.


Wynona's POV

Cayson and his band mates were doing a pretty good job. When Legend started singing, I went to the bathroom to go do my stuff. I did a lot of stuff , fixed my hair, take a selfie, and idk. Other stuff. Yes, I was taking too long. After that, I went outside. Legend was still singing. The people were enjoying. They were moving to the beat. I couldn't help myself but enjoy too. Legend has a nice voice. I don't know how to describe it. It was too good. While he was singing, his eyes and mine meets. It was awkward. Cayson was just doing his solo. Not long, they were done performing and the crowd was cheering at their name. Girls screaming, boys taking off their shirts and crashing the place and stuff. Wow.

"Thank you LOSTERS , we love you and thank you for your support !!! Hope you enjoyed ! Goodnight !! " Legend says through the microphone while their fans continue to scream, especially girls. They got off the platform and They were blocked by a group of fangirls , asking for their signatures. Legend found a way out. He walked up to me. Oh my gosh. What am I supposed to do. Omfg. I am freaking out.



"hey" i blushed

"aren't you gonna ask for my signature too ?"

"are you kidding me ? we go to the same school together. I never knew you had a lot of fans and seriously , LOSTERS ? That's how you name your fan base ? And why LOST ? "

"woah. Calm down , we're called LOST coz L stands for Legend, O for Owen , S for Simone and T for Tyrone .... or Cayson or whatever "

I just rolled my eyes at him and I walked away. This next part is unexpected. He suddenly grabbed my hand. I tried to break free but I couldn't . He pulled me towards him. Our faces were so close. Our lips were so close. It was like, millimeters apart. He opened his mouth. Dang it smells so good. He smells good. And he whispered something to me, almost touching my cheeks.

"I like you Wynona, I really do, I can't help but just think about you. Why are you doing this to me ? "

he kisses my cheek, and then let go. I stared at him. My expression was blank. Unreadable. My emotions were all mixed up. My heart keeps beating faster every second. My mind hurts. My whole body was like electrified. I look at him. Unbelievable.

When I was about to say something , he was already gone. I saw Cayson. He was running towards me.

"Let's go home baby girl"


"did you enjoy ?" Cayson asked me. He dropped me off at the same place where we met.

"yup. You were right. Thanks Cayson.... Its really late. " I hugged him and surprisingly, he hugged me back.

I yawned.

"hmmm ... maybe I should just drive you home , you look sleepy"

I nodded . he looked at me with his faithful dumb eyes.


"we're here Cayson, this is my house, thanks again"

"anything for you .... goodnight Wynona, I love you "

"what ?"

"I mean , I love yo-your clothes"

"you love my clothes ?"


I rolled my eyes at him and went inside. I ran upstairs and Will was already asleep. Mom and dad weren't home yet. I took a shower and I put on my pajamas. I turned off the lights and went to bed.

In the middle of my sleep, I received a text. It was from an unknown number.

Hey there. Meet me tomorrow after school on Emerald street. 7 pm. Don't be late. I'll be expecting to see you. Sleep tight. Goodnight.


Hey guys sorry I had to cut it here and I that I haven't updated lately. Really busy in school but I'll try to make it up to you If you're wondering where Nikki and her friends are, they will be present in the next chapter.

CVS !!!

follow me here on wattpad, and twitter (( wheninaugust_ )) and IG (( wheninaugust ))

Bye pancakes


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