Meet Baily

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*unedited* sorry I wanted to update fast

Hmm...I guess she seemed nice. A little weird but I love her personality! Ever since Laurie was in the hospital me and my mom got the house all cleaned up and all my friends took me out to ice cream! Believe it or not, even Nick sent me a text saying that he's glad Laurie's ok!

Anyway, when I went to the hospital cafeteria, I met this girl there. She was around my age, blond hair, blue, and a bright smile that could make anyone cheerful. She wore purple glasses and an "okay, okay" T-shirt from non other than the fault in our stars. I never would've guessed that she had cancer in her eye. Never.

"Haha! So do you like frank in Percy Jackson? I feel like he gets no credit!" Baily whined sipping some sort of pop from a straw.

"Well I don't know, I haven't read any of the books in while." I smiled.

We were sitting at a pearly white table with slight coffee rings around it. Baily was perky, sweet, and a HUGE fangirl. All she could talk about was her friends Hayley and Sophia. Along with her fangirl talks.

"Well Baily, I got to go. My sisters getting out of the hospital today!" I said getting up from my chair.

"Aww! Can I meet her sometime? She must behave better than my little sister Hannah!" Baily smiled.

"I think that's a great idea! They could have like a play date or something!" I said.


"Oh my god. Please don't!" I begged tugging on Nicks sleeve.

"Lay off." He chuckled grabbing my wrist.

"Do you know how much trouble you could get into!?" I tried to whisper.

"Do you think I actually give a fuck?" He stated.

"No..." I grumbled.

Well guess what mister bad boy is doing today? He decided that it would be fun to egg Principal Fulmers brand new Tesla! Yeah! And you know why I'm here? Well because Nick thought he needed a girl like me to bail him out of trouble if he gets caught.


"Ok you can either sit and watch, or join me. Your choice." He said shuffling 3 eggs around the palm of his hand.

Yeah I know, thinking about this decision is a no-brainer, don't do it Jessica.

"No Nick, all of your plans get me in trouble somehow." I said giving him the cold shoulder.

"Seriously? He's not even out here! Hunter is in detention today and Mr. Fulmer is giving him a lecture on school respect. He won't be back for at least 45 minutes." Nick said nonchalantly.

"I-er well I guess maybe..." I stuttered.

Nicks smile brighter and he pulled me over near him.

"Ok so just take an egg then..." He started.

"Thank you oh so much oh master Nick for teaching me your wise egg throwing technics!" I say sarcastically.


I close my eyes the chuck the egg as hard as I can. Behind me I can hear the laughing of Nick. I open my eyes and notice that I had missed the car by about a yard! Good job Jessica! You win at being a near sided freak.

"Ha, you couldn't hit the car if you were actually sitting in it!" Nick chuckled.

"Your one to talk! I'm the one who had to bail you out of jail when you had that car chase incident." I frowned.

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