The Secret(s) of Castle McDuck

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That moment the author thought they had uploaded the new chapter and was confused as to why there were no comments or new views... then checks and it turns out the chapter was never uploaded

Enjoy the new chapter :]


Dark landscape somewhere in Scotland surrounded the ducks. The car falls down a cliff and onto the main road. The four kids sat in the back, Huey and Louie on one side with Dewey and Webby on the other. In the front, Launchpad drove the jeep with his foot while looking at a map. Richard leaned back as Scrooge snatched the map away with his cane. The actor was sitting in between the two, only a bit squished. Launchpad gave an apologetic smile to Scrooge, driving with his hands this time.

"Remember lads," Scrooge addressed the kids with a serious tone. "No sudden movements, no eye contact. If you're cornered, the heartless heathens will give you no quarter."

"This does not sound like a fun trip," Louie noted.

"Misty moors, vague warnings, sneaking out behind Uncle Donald's back. Can you please just tell us where we're going?" Huey begged their uncle, utterly confused.

But Scrooge only turned away, "The less you know the better."

Richard stretched his arms as he yawned, "Don't worry about it, lads. Your dear uncle is only slightly exaggerating."

Huey and Louie made eye contact, sharing worried glances, before slumping back in their seats. On the other side of the jeep, Dewey watched the Sphere show images of Della, of her lashing Storkules on the butt with her scarf and a close-up on Della's face.

"Ha, that's a good one," Webby said as she leaned in.

"AH!" Dewey quacked, nearly dropping the Sphere. "How long have you been there watching me?" Dewey asked her.

"25, 30 minutes," she responded. "You still haven't told your brothers what we found out about your mom?"

"Tell them what exactly?" Dewey put away the Sphere and grabbed his phone, looking at the picture of Della's note. "She took the Spear of Selene? We have no idea what that means. We don't even know what it looks like. Why get them in a panic when this could all be a dead end?"

"Because... honesty?" Webby argued.

Dewey closed his eyes as he put his fingers under his beak. "Mmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm."

"Why do you always do that?"

"Do what?" Dewey snapped out of his reaction.

"Whenever you want to ignore something, you stare into the distance and pretend you're thinking," Webby pointed out.

"I'm trying to protect my brothers from finding out something that could upset them," Dewey responded with a reasonable answer.

'And keeping an earth-shattering secret from them that could destroy your brotherhood wouldn't upset them?" Webby shot back with an even more reasonable answer.

Hearing this, Dewey automatically went back to his fake thinking, "Mmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm."

Webby sighed and the car lurched to a stop.

"Found it," Launchpad announced after the Jeep crashed into a statue of a duck in armor.

Scrooge and the kids exited the Jeep. But Richard decided to stay for a minute. "Launchpad, hide the jeep in the moors," Scrooge ordered.

The actor turned to the young adult, "Thanks for the ride, Launchpad."

"Oh no problem, Mr. RC!" the driver responded with a smile. The duck could now look at the celebrity for half a day before fainting. It took extreme training, but Richard put in the time to help the lad. During his free time he would hang out with the young duck and they would talk about whatever the latter wanted to. It was almost always about this one show, but he didn't mind. He considered Launchpad to be a cute and innocent child.

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