The Duck Knight Returns

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Author's Note: Hello, I'm super glad I got this one out so fast. This is one of the stories I was hoping to get out this summer and I did it. This chapter has to be one of the longest chapters I've ever written--if not the longest. Man, I was just so excited to finally write this story. I had so much planned for it and I'm quite proud of how I executed it all. I made it even longer and put more detail with Jim Starling because this is his first and only real appearance in the show (curse those who cancelled further production of Ducktales).

After all this time, we finally get to meet and learn about Richard's character in the Darkwing Duck show! Meet Alistair Keene AKA Zoreaux. I know the director in this episode is also called Alistair but I had picked the name when I first made him because it suited him very well. I tried coming up with another and nothing stuck like the original. I think there's some irony in someone else being named Alistair in this chapter, and how he's a version of the man if his thinking never changed, and in fact, got worse. Zoreaux is actually French but I also got his costume inspiration from the character Zorro. If you need any idea on how it's pronounced, search up a Ted Lasso clip. He was very fun to come up with!

I hope you enjoy this chapter and the drawing.

Till next time :]


It was a cold night in St. Canard.

Somewhere below the St. O'Malley's Kitten Orphanage, a masked villain was in the sewers and placed multiple bombs. He laughed as he ran away.

"So bad."

Just as he was about to leave the area, a loud poof was heard, and a purple smoke flooded in. As soon as the smoke dissipated, Darkwing Duck appeared.

"I am the terror that flaps in the night! I am the pebble in the penny loafer of depravity! I am–"

"Darkwing Duck?"

The masked hero looked up. "Ah, so you've heard of me. Let's get dangerous!"

However, as he tried to run toward the villain, he stepped on a landmine.

"Ow! Dangerous? Aah!" And another. "Dangerous..."

As he stepped on the last land mine, it sent Darkwing Duck flying and landing on top of the masked villain.

The hero stood up, "Oh, my goodness." He shook his head and regained his senses. "Okay!" He held the villain up by his collar, "You think a few very painful explosions can stop me? Now, let's see who you really are..."

He pulled his mask off to see...

Darkwing Duck gasped. "Me?!"


The video paused and on the bottom of the screen was a "TO BE CONTINUED...!"

"Whoa, what a twist!" Jim Starling shouted.

Launchpad clapped, "What?! I never saw that coming!"

Dewey glanced up at him in confusion. "Wait, haven't you seen this episode?"

"Seventy-five times!" the redhead stated. "But never in a parking lot."

"Sadly, beloved TV show Darkwing Duck, starring me, Jim Starling, was canceled before we could end this story. But there's no end to the savings at Siesta Rick's Sofa Fiesta!"

Despite the opening, only nine people were there.

Jim sighed. "Let's get comfortable!" He cut the ribbon with a pair of large scissors. "Ha-ha! I'll be signing autographs for one and all!" The crowd dispersed. "If one and all want one!" Seeing most of them leave, the man's shoulders dropped. He dragged himself to the signing table as he grumbled, "Buncha ingrates."

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