Nothing Can Stop Della Duck

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Author's Note: Hello everyone. I'm free from school now. Finals were a bit hectic but everything went well. I'll still be working during the summer, but I won't have any classes to take up a majority of my time. I hope to make the most of my summer break and get out a good amount of chapters.

For this chapter's drawing, I decided to illustrate Richard's sleepwear, which makes an appearance here. If you're curious, in his human form, he wears this, along with gray sweatpants and black socks.

This is a pretty long chapter and I like it a lot. Hope you enjoy it!

Till next time :]


Della stood outside the gates, taking in McDuck Manor. Behind her, the Spear of Selene was flying away with smoke trailing below it. She exhaled to relax her nerves. She jumped, hitting the gates and slowly sliding down.

"Dumb earth gravity...!" She climbed the gate, "Won't... keep... me... from... the kids."


There she was, in front of the mansion's door. She held out her hand, about to knock on it with hesitation, but she turned away with a nervous look on her face.

"Okay, first impression is the only impression. You gotta nail this." She turned to the door with her arms open and a bittersweet smile on her face. "Greetings, children!" Della groaned.

She went into a hunched position and waved her left hand. "Hellooooo!" She sighed.

Della popped out from a flower pot. "Oh, hey, didn't see you there." She groaned again and walked to the door. "Simple, sincere. It's just the most important moment of your life."


Inside the mansion, Scrooge and Richard were leading the children who were packing their things; Huey packed a water canteen, Dewey tested a flashlight, Louie was carrying a bag of chips, and Webby was carrying her grappling hook. Scrooge laughed as he presented a blue glowing, crystal bird feather.

"Behold! The Cartographer's Quill!" He leaned forward and the kids neared it, able to see their reflections. "A mystical artifact that sketches maps leading to the world's greatest treasures." He pulled out a blank page and touched it with the quill. The artifact instantly drew a map and marked a location. Scrooge turned it around, showing off the map to the kids, causing them to exclaim.

"Imagine: All the money..."

Louie giggled as he rubbed his hands.

"Daring adventure..."

Dewey swung his left fist up, "Yeah!"

"Infinite wisdom..."

Huey tugged his backpack, "Hmm."

"And untold mystery in the world, literally at your fingertips!"

"Ooh, you had me at quill!" Webby swung her arms in excitement.

"This could be the most important moment of our adventuring lives!" Scrooge gestured his arms wildly, energy and excitement rising.

Richard smiled at the action. His eyes drifted from Scrooge to the Cartographer's Quill; what great treasures would it lead him to? And how would they help him? He'd keep a watchful eye on it, making sure it didn't break.

Scrooge opened the door to a smiling Della.

"'Sup, party people!"

Richard froze, unwilling to look away from the quill.

Louie widened his eyes as if seeing a ghost.

"I'm back in the hizou..." Della stopped her excitement, "Oh, no..." She put a hand to her face in embarrassment. "Knew it was wrong as soon as I said it." She waved her hand aside, "Sorry, that was terrible. Can I get a do-over?"

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