The Golden Lagoon of White Agony Plane

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"There you have it. Reclusive adventure capitalist Scrooge McDuck is back, with family in tow, solving mysteries and rewriting history."

"Scrooge..." a man whispered, watching the news with wide eyes. He turned his head towards his manager, "Dear, where exactly is our last pit stop?"

"Duckburg, sir."

He glanced back to the news, memorizing the image of Scrooge and his family. "Perfect."


"So why are we at the gala for the Flintheart Glomgold Wing of the Natural History Museum?" Huey asked. Dewey scoffed, "Ugh yeah, and look at this tacky setup. Somebody is trying way too hard." The middle child then turned to his left to one of the staff members, "I'll have a virgin peach julep in your fanciest glass, thank you." The waiter sighed in irritation and walked away.

"All these exhibits are just from times Glomgold lost to you," Louie exclaimed. "A pebble from the lost city of El Dorado, a singed kilt from that fire pit in Krakatoa," he listed as they walked past each of them. They stood in front of a skeleton statue as Huey joined in, "And this 'Glamasaurus Rex' is clearly just a bunch of random parts stuck together. Honestly, how could you know it wore a crown?"

"So, what are we doing here anyway?" Dewey asked as he looked around. Scrooge smiled and explained, "As upstanding citizens of note, it's our responsibility to support Duckburg's cultural institutions. And," he continued as they walked to the food stand, "these cocktail weenies are on Glomgold's dollar."

"Aren't you rich? Why do you need free food?" Louie asked in shock as the triplets watched Scrooge put away the weenies in a ziplock bag. Scrooge calmly replied, "I didn't get rich by wasting money. I got rich by besting my enemies. Stock up, lads!" Following their uncle's lead, the triplets began to grab the food and put it in their bags and pockets.

"Ugh, these custom suits are the worst. I think I'm getting a rash," Louie whined. "No, that's the plastic lining. Saves on dry cleaning and yeh lose less dip," explained Scrooge, pouring in some food into both of their pockets. The youngest triplet turned to Dewey who loosened his bowtie, "It's not the cut of the suit, it's how you wear it! Take my playfully loose bow tie; is he coming? Is he going? Did he party so hard it just flew open?!" Louie rolled his eyes at his older brother's antics.

Scrooge moved from the food stand and was about to put away his bag full of goodies when he looked up and dropped the bag. He gasped as he saw a lady duck with beautiful gold hair pulled up in a bun, with the excess styled to the side and up. She had a gold dress and an amulet, along with gold cuffs on each wrist and earrings. She gazed down at the people with green eyes at the top of the stairs. The boys, noticing their uncle's reaction, ran to him.

"What is it, a cursed villain?" Louie asked. "A villainous curse?" Dewey rebounded. "A, um...ugh, man I hate going third," Huey complained in disappointment, crossing his arms.

"Worse," Scrooge answered with dread, "it's my ex."

"Your ex?! As in, 'ex-girlfriend'?!" Huey shouted, never expecting this to happen with their uncle. With a tired tone, Scrooge answered the boy, "Ex-partner, ex-rival, ex-everything." Finally, the lady noticed the richest duck in the world and his great-nephews. She descended the stairs and walked towards the group. "Watch your wallet, boys," Scrooge warned.

Hearing this the lady playfully said, "Please, Scrooge, I wouldn't steal from children. Unless, they had something I really wanted, or I was bored, or.."

"Goldie O'Gilt," Scrooge stated in a tense voice. He took a step forward so they were face to face. "The Ice Queen of Dawson. I thought I heard the clatter of cloven hooves."

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