The Shadow War Part 2

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Author's Note: Hello again. Welcome back. Very nice to update finally. 2.24k since my last update, that is wild! I've been busy finishing up school and with my after school program (we performed our spring play and it was a major success, which was nice; got compliments on my acting). I graduate at the start of June, so hopefully I'll get more time to work. Don't want to promise anything though, I'm sure you can all tell I don't have a schedule.

Hope you've all been doing well. Enjoy the chapter. And also enjoy the new drawing :]


Magica grinned and cast her spell, watching from above as those in the city were losing their shadows. She lifted and glared at Scrooge, who was now trapped in his Number One Dime - the duck looked away with a worrisome face.

Using her magic, she created a shield around her and floated towards the city, traversing it from high up. "Come to me, my shadow puppets!" The shadows followed her command, one at a time circling around her, the numbers growing.

Gladstone stopped walking when he glanced down, "Hey! $20!" As he reached for it, his shadow rose up. It handed him the bill and winked before flying away.

Fenton was sitting outside his house on a lawn chair, with a nice drink and snack on the side. He sighed as he looked through his binoculars, "Ah, the perfect vantage point to view the lunar eclipse. Just me, the night sky, and a swirling shadow vortex. A swirling shadow vortex?!" He dropped his binoculars and glanced to his side, gasping at the sight of a shadow. He jumped out of his chair and yelled, "Blathering Blatherskite!"

Unfortunately, Fenton's shadow pushed him out of the way to claim the Gizmoduck suit. The shadow smirked and threw Fenton away, who landed on top of a tree.

Glomgold struggled, holding onto his shadow, "Where are you going?! You're my shadow, you hear?" His strength made no difference as the shadow flew away and he could no longer hold on. "Curse you, me!" he screamed before falling into the ocean.

Richard gasped as his shadow appeared in front of him. He gulped as it maintained eye contact with him, inching closer. The large white grin unnerved him. It must've taken pity or something of the sorts for it broke eye contact and slipped through the cracks, exiting the plane and flying towards Magica. He checked his phone, ready to nag at the witch, only to see the call was dead.

He huffed, he hated magic.

The group yelped as their shadows unattached themselves and flew away. Louie glanced at them, "Soooo...still going to Cape Suzette, right? Cool, yeah, I'll start the boat."


Magica flew toward the money bin, the shadow vortex floating above her. She grinned, "Take it in, Scroogie!"

The duck frowned and looked down.

Magica took hold of the vortex with her staff and flung it around, breaking the bin open. The front half and the roof cracked open, showing off the treasure Scrooge kept there. The shadows flew up, the vortex growing larger and staying atop the building. Magica went forward, controlling the gold coins to transform into a tall tower with a throne at the top. She giggled as she sat down, pleased with her work.


Donald and Beakley gasped, looking at each other. They knew who that was.

"Magica De Spell!" the ex-spy cried out.

Even Huey gasped at the name.

"Wait, who?" Dewey questioned.

"Magica De Spell," Webby said. "A vile sorceress with a mysterious, ancient grudge against Clan McDuck. She was Scrooge and Richard's bitterest rival, but no one's seen her since they fought on Mount Vesuvius 15 years ago."

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