Raiders of the Doomsday Vault

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Author's Note: Hello everyone. Hope everyone is having a good summer. I know some schools are starting up again. Fortunately, mine doesn't start till September, so I have time to pump out a good amount of chapters. Sorry for the wait on this one, I had to deal with writer's block. I pulled through though, and I'm proud of how this chapter came out.

This drawing shows off Richard's outfit for the adventure. I hadn't drawn in a while, so it was nice to return to it. Hope you enjoy the chapter and drawing.

Till next time :]


The Sunchaser twirled around in the air as both Della and Dewey cheered.

"I missed ya, girl." Della raised a fist in the air, "The Cloudslayer flies again!"

"Cloudslayer?" Dewey repeated. "That is way better than the Sunchaser!" Della twirled the plane around again. "Why would Huey and Louie wanna miss thiiis?"

Richard tugged at Scrooge to keep him from falling after the Scot lost balance. He placed one hand on Richard's chest and the other on Della's seat, holding back a possible regurgitation.

"I think I may have some idea."

"Their loss. Dewey and Della Duck on their first high-flying adventure!"

"Not 'adventure,'" Scrooge corrected, "Business venture." He pointed his finger toward a facility on their way. "We're headed to Boarway, home of the Von Drake Doomsday Vault!"

"Ooh!" The mother and son duo's excitement was apparent.

"I was part of the project when it began decades ago," Richard reminisced. "I helped cover the costs as a gift to Ludwig, and I oversaw the research, construction, and organization of the building along with him. So many guards and security measures were put in place," he laughed.

"Important items are stored there?" Della and Dewey squealed.

Scrooge nodded. "It's a sterile seed depository."

And now they were both bored and disappointed.

Scrooge took out and unfolded a poster from his coat with a picture of Ludwig Von Drake and the Doomsday Vault. "My old colleague, Ludwig Von Drake, collected millions of seeds for safekeeping in case of apocalypse."

Richard fondly smiled at the image.

The poster was folded and returned to his coat's pocket. "Unfortunately, the vault's been damaged by melting permafrost. We must convince the owners to hire McDuck Bin Securities to fix it." He crossed his arms and focused on Della with a concerned stare. "If we manage to get there in one piece."

"Please, Uncle Scrooge. I've been flying since before Donald could walk."

"Actually," Richard interjected, "you have been flying since I taught you how as a youngster."

Della playfully rolled her eyes at her uncle.

"Agh, fine. You know what you're do–"

The boys shouted at the sudden downturn trajectory and kept it up until the plane landed safely on the ground without crashing. The back of the plane opened and the group prepared to come out. The wind hit them, but they were fine with it. Scrooge and Dewey had changed into winter clothing completely, while Richard and Della simply added beanies (light gray and blue, respectively) to their normal outfits. Compared to the first two, the uncle and niece were used to and unaffected by the cold. Scrooge appeared dazed out and a bit dizzy, groaning, before regaining consciousness.

"Maybe I should give you a lesson on smooth landing if you are not going to crash," Richard muttered.

Scrooge stood straight, "Now, all that stands between me and that contract is..."

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