The Ballad of Duke Baloney

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Author's Note: Hello, hope everyone is doing well. Community college is going very well, I enjoy my classes and teachers, along with my peers—having my closest friend attending (almost) all the same classes as me helps a lot, as well. The campus is great too, delicious drinks and food and beautiful scenery. I quickly adjusted to the large-scale campus and know my way around it now.

I hope your lives are trucking along in a mostly positive light too. Here's another Richard drawing for you all. This time in my chibi style.

Hope you enjoy the new chapter (had to think awhile on how to incorporate Richard, scared I was going into a writers block for a moment).

Till next time.


"Where are you going? You're my shadow, you hear?" Glomgold roared as he held onto his shadow. The shadow ignored its owner and kept flying, leaving the building through the window and going over the bay.

Glomgold's grip slipped and as he fell into the water he screamed, "Curse you, me!"

He struggled, arms flailing as he slowly lost consciousness.


The duck gasped as he woke up surrounded by fish in a net. He glanced at his feet and hands, trying to understand what was happening. Two seagulls appeared in his vision.

"Hey, Fisher, get a load of this," the woman said.

"Huh. That's the fourth weirdest thing we've caught today," the man observed.

"Get your fish hands off me, ya filthy fisherman!" the duck accused, finger pointing at them. The fishers jumped back in surprise.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! 'Fisherperson,'" she corrected.

Fisher raised his hands, "I mean, your name is Mann, Mann."

"Yeah, well, he don't know I'm a fisher, Fisher. I've never seen this joker before in my life."

"Enough! Don't you know who I am?"

Fisher leaned in, hands against his hips, "No. Who are you?"

The duck glanced at his hands, "I–!" He stared at his ruffled reflection in the puddle of water. "I don't know..."


Live on "Action News Today!" with Roxanne Featherly!

"Four months after the mysterious disappearance of its CEO, Glomgold Industries is finally under new, not crazy, management. She's dynamic. She's exciting. She's never threatened revenge on anyone. She's Zan Owlson."

Owlson pushed the Glomgold cutout out of the wall and to the ground, wiping dust off her gray suit. "Um, hi everyone! Happy to–"

"Top of her class at Mouseton's School of Business, Owlson founded the global charity 'Change for Chicks'. She's a formidable replacement for failed former leader, Flintheart Glomgold."

"We cut unnecessary departments, like...harebrained schemes, mindless revenge...The company was spending a lot of money on sharks," Owlson told Featherly.

"Owlson is even forming a new charity along with the company's chief rival, McDuck Enterprises."

The two CEOs handshaked on stage, cameras flashing.

Richard smiled as he stood alongside Scrooge, applauding. His company would be involved in the formation of charity, focusing on giving out clothing to those in need. The Brit wanted no attention to come to him though, the public could figure out his part when the news disclosed.

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