The Dangerous Chemistry of Gandra Dee

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Author's Note: Hey, welcome to the new chapter. I'm glad I got this one out so quickly. I was excited for this one because I got to expose more of Beaks and Richard's connection. I think it's important to note that Richard didn't only visit Scrooge and his family whenever he was in Duckburg; the man has multiple relationships in the city he helped found.

With the drawing, I wanted to show off how he looks like when he jokes or teases others. But I also drew this to show how he grins. In my mind, a smile doesn't show teeth, a smirk shows a bit, while a grin shows them all. I hope you enjoy the chapter and drawing.

Till next time :]


A violent storm was raging in Duckburg. Two of the few people who were still outside in this weather could be found on the top of a roof; Gizmoduck and Dr. Atmoz were battling in the rain, the latter cackling.

"Dr. Atmozphere, it's time I..." the hero struggled to think of a one-liner, "rain on your parade."

"Huh. You're not even trying anymore," the villain criticized.

Gizmoduck's shoulders dropped. "I'm sorry," he apologized. "You're my third weather-based villain this month, and between the crime sprees and the public service and the–" he sighed, "–everything, I haven't had a chance to re-up my puns." A phone rang. He held up a finger, "One second." He looked away and answered the call, "Hello? Oh hi, Huey! No, no, don't reschedule. I need a break!"

"You're too busy to finish telling me how busy you are? Gizmoduck, you're burned out!" Dr. Atmoz used his device to bring down lightning at the hero. Gizmoduck dodged the attack and raced forward, continuing to maneuver around the bolts of lightning redirected toward him. When he got near the villain, he punched him, sending Dr. Atmoz flying and breaking the device.

He approached the fallen villain and glanced up at the departing clouds. The rainstorm had ended and the sun was now shining.

"It's time I rain on your parade!"

Dr. Atmoz looked away and grumbled, "You literally just said that."

"Ugh, I'm sorry." He grabbed the villain and blasted off.


Huey, Webby, and Richard were standing in front of a store called "Ray's Electronics." Webby entertained herself by watching the televisions in the store window. Richard would occasionally be pulled from gazing at the sky by fans who wanted to chat with him, get his autograph, and/or take a picture together.

"Sooo," Webby turned to Huey. "Where is this friend?"

"Oh, Fenton is... very busy... working... on robotics!"

Overhead, Gizmoduck flew above Huey, crash-landing in a nearby alleyway. Several garbage cans clattered and a cat hissed in fright.

Webby gasped. Huey held a nervous look. Richard sent the cat some sympathy.

Fenton exited the alleyway with a big, heavy bag that he dragged across the sidewalk.

"Sorry I'm late!"

"Fenton!" The red duckling spread his arms as he glanced at Webby. "There ya are! You just missed a Gizmoduck fly-by!"

The girl gasped. "You're Gizmoduck!"


"I didn't say anything!" The boy defended himself.

The pink duckling stuck out her hand. "Hi, I'm Webby! Nice to see you! Does your suit have a toilet?!"

Fenton pulled a journal out of his bag. He opened it to a page that read "People who know I'm Gizmoduck." The list consisted of 'Gyro, Launchpad, Dewey, Richard, Huey, Beaks, Scrooge, the mailman, the dry cleaner, that barista at Starducks, everyone who lives on my block.' He added Webby's name to the said list with a sigh.

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