|Chapter one| Cherry Vanilla

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  Elowyn's POV

"Mom called and told me that we need to stop by the gas station to pick up some snacks and drinks for later." I said to my younger sister, Rose.

 We were standing outside of the high school entry gates, with our back packs on. School had just ended and we had to walk home. Rose is a freshman and I'm a junior, so we didn't see each other during school. 

Rose and I were different in almost every way, except for our sense of humor. She loves pop music and I've always been into rock and punk. Rose wore preppy skirts, long socks, and buckle shoes. While I on the other hand, have always preferred jeans, loose shirts, and converse high tops. 

We walked through the crowd of the other high school students that were hanging around the front of the school. I took the lead, as I felt Rose cling to my book bag, like every other school day. We crossed the street and hopped onto the sidewalk, where Rose would let go and casually straighten out her skirt. 

"What kind of snacks should we get?" Rose asked with a smile. "I'm pretty sure mom likes Ruffles and dad likes- well- he eats anything and everything" I snorted. We entered the gas station and we heard a bell ring upon our entering. 

"Welcome in girls!" We heard a cheerful female voice, sounding from the check-out counter. I looked to Rose, whom simply shrugged with a slight smile. "How about we split up? You get the snacks and I'll get the sodas." I suggested to Rose.

"Already on it, madam," Rose loosely saluted and walked towards the snack area. I turned to walk towards the back of the gas station with the glass cases containing the drinks. I peeked through the glass of every case, searching for a brand specifically. 

I stopped in front of one case specifically. "Damn it- How do they have cherry coke and vanilla coke, but not the cherry vanilla flavor-" I huffed quietly to myself. I decided to try and ask an employee if they had any at all. 

I walked towards the check-out counter. As I headed towards the counter, I glanced through a snack aisle to see how Rose was doing. She was squatting, her skirt draped a little onto the floor, as she held 2 different bags of chips in her hands. I looked away and towards the counter. There sat an older lady, reading a magazine. Her work vest had 'Ollie' embroidered on to it.

"Erhm- Excuse me." I softly spoke as I tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear. The lady looked up from her magazine and smiled warmly. "Well hello, dear. What can I do for you?" She placed her magazine down and was now leaning on the counter with both of her forearms, giving me her full attention. 

I smiled back. "I was wondering if you happened to have any cherry vanilla cokes. I found the cherry flavored and the vanilla flavored- but none of the combined flavors." 

"Ah. You're in luck, we just got some in today. They're still sitting in the back walk in refrigerator. Billie!" She shouted. I flinched a little at how loud her voice got so fast. That's when it clicked in my head. 

This was Ollie Armstrong. The lady my father knew because he was a daily customer. He always bought his cigarettes from this gas station. That would mean- oh gosh- 

I looked up and there stood the Billie Joe Armstrong, wearing a vest that matched Ollie's. The only difference is that his had 'Billie' embroidered onto it. It seems that he hadn't taken notice of me just yet. 

"Yeah, mom?" He replied sounding as if he had just woken up. I wouldn't be surprised if he had. I knew all about this Billie Joe. He's best friends with Mike and Tre. And he's quite the party animal and hopeless romantic. The hopeless romantic part wasn't much of a surprise because he wasn't that bad looking. I'd even say he's handsome- What am I thinking?!- He doesn't even know who I am. Though this town is small, we'd never crossed paths 'til now. The most we'll ever be is friends. Or maybe just acquaintances if anything. 

"Uhm, dear? Billie will show you to the back to get the sodas." Ollie said, snapping me back to reality. "Yes- oh- Sorry." I scratched the back of my neck as I smiled sheepishly. I heard Rose giggle quietly as I harshly elbowed her. I turned to look at Billie whom must've been staring at me the entire time because the moment I looked up to his face he quickly looked away.

"C'mere I'll show you the way." He gestured to me to follow. He walked down a hallway with his hand dragging down the side of the wall. I had to pick up the pace to catch up to him. I was now walking next to him and we were out of sight from Ollie and Rose. It was very quiet. Until I looked up at Billie as  we turned into the storage room. That's when he broke out into grin.

"I'm sure you know by now, but I'm Billie Joe Armstrong. I didn't catch your name yet-" His green eyes seemingly scanned my face as we stopped walking. "It's Elowyn Mills. El-oh-win. But you can call me Winnie for short." I said as I booped his nose. I'm still not sure why I did it, or where the confidence came from. It just felt natural. Billie's cheeks, tip of his nose, and his ears turned a light red. He gave a wide grin.

 "Well Miss Winnie, here's the refrigerator. And you said you were looking forrr?"

 "Cherry Vanilla Coke. We're having a movie night tonight with my parents. They think they should get to know me and my little sister more and that they need to be there for us more. I don't think it'll go well, but I'm willing to give it a shot." I gave a nervous laugh. Why am I telling him all of this? 

"Wow. Well I wish you luck." He said with raised eyebrows as he handed a box of cherry vanilla cans to me.

"Thank you Billie." I smiled genuinely this time. I'm not sure if I'm acting this way because I'm lonely or if it's because he's the first person other than Rose to be kind to me. We walked back to the counter, jokingly bumping into each other along the way. I stuck my tongue out at him and he stuck his out at me. 

We arrived at the check-out counter once again. Rose placed the snacks and I placed the box down. Ollie then scanned everything and I paid. With a laugh, Ollie waved bye to us as we headed to the exit. 

"Say hi to your dad for me!" Ollie shouted. I looked to Billie one last time to wave bye to him and he waved back. 

"Ooo" Rose whispered and I elbowed her in the side once again. "Shuddup."

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