|Chapter Six|Luck

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Elowyn's POV

We arrived to the beach and we both had changed in the bathrooms. Billie had been carrying the surfboard down the wooden pier, while I carried the towels. 

When we reached the the sand, we searched for the perfect spot. "How about over here, Win?" Billie shouted and pointed to the ground, where he was standing. I smiled and nodded. "That's perfect Billie." 

I walked over to him and laid the towels down on the sand. "Now what?" I asked, putting my hands on my hips and looking up at Billie. He had a goofy grin plastered on his face. 

"Now we ride." He snatched me by the arm and took off running towards the ocean while holding onto my arm. As soon as my toes met the water I squealed. "Billlieee! It's freezinggg-" 

Billie rolled his eyes and laughed as he yanked me into the water. We ventured further into the water until we were at least knee deep in. "First thing's first. Not all surfboards are the same. This board I have here is a Gun." He gestured to the board.

I cracked a grin before trying to hide it behind my hand. "That's not a gun. That's a surfboard." Billie laughed, "NOoooo! It's a Gun surfboard! Silly pooh bear." He lightly flicked my forehead. "Anyways! As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted." Billie squinted at me. "Sorry Billie." I said with my bottom lip sticking out in a pout. 

"Fuck it." Billie laughed and picked me up, before putting me down on the board so that I was standing up on it. He was holding both of my hands tightly, as I was using him for balance. "Don't let go of me! BILLIE!" I slowly began to panic as Billie slowly let go of my hands. I was wobbling all over the place like crazy. 

Right when I thought I had the balance to stand up straight, I slipped backwards. The board went shooting out from underneath me, as I went under. I was greeted with a hysterical laugh from Billie when I resurfaced. 

"You're lucky I tolerate you." I huffed.

"Oh yeah? well you're luckier that I like you." He smirked as he moved his face closer to mine. 

"Well you better count your lucky stars, Billie Joe, because I love you." I whispered. 

Our faces were now so close we could feel each others breath. Shivers went down my spine. He leaned in to kiss me when suddenly a giant wave came crashing down on us. When I looked over at Billie, he had a scowl on his which I found adorable. 

Eventually I became exhausted from my many failed attempts of surfing, so I laid down on my towel upon the burning sand. Billie decided he'd head out to the water to catch some waves himself.  As Billie ran to the water, dragging his board behind him, I placed Billie's t-shirt over my eyes. Mine was covered in sand and I didn't have sun glasses to protect my eyes. 

After about fifteen minutes, I rolled over onto my stomach so that I would be evenly tan. I put my head down on my arms and closed my eyes. Before I knew it, I heard uneven foot steps and the sound of something being dragged. 

I opened one eye and looked up to Billie holding his board behind him with one hand and his other hand covering his face. I immediately sat up. Something was wrong. 

"Billie what happened?" I asked. Billie threw his board down on the sand, silently then sat next to me with his legs crossed. He just kept his head down with his hand covering the lower half of his face. "You hurt yourself didn't you?" I shook my head. "C'mere hot shot, lemme see the damage." 

I scooted closer to Billie and tried to pull his hand away from his face. Darn he was strong, and refusing to let me see. Eventually I released his hand, accidentally making him hit himself in the nose. Billie groaned, "Okay, okay fine. Geez woman." He slowly removed his hand.

I bit my bottom lip anxiously and gingerly held his face in my hand. I tilted it at an angle as I examined his face. The inside of his hand was stained in blood and there was a trickle of blood from his nose and his upper lip was faintly stained as well. The bridge of his nose was severely bruised. 

"Oh come on Billie, lets go to the car and you can tell me what happened there." I stood up and struggled to help Billie to his feet. I grabbed both of our belongings and Billie held onto his surfboard. I lead us both back to Billie's car and we packed our stuff up. 

Billie went to unlock the driver door to the car, but I stopped him and held my hand out for the keys. He looked back and forth between me and the keys, before sighing in defeat. "Just don't wreck my car." 

As I sat in the car and started the engine, I took a quick look at Billie. "Pinch the bridge of your nose until we get back to my house, okay?" Billie pinched the bridge of his nose. Suddenly realization hit him. 

"Wait- your house? Not mine?" 

"I don't trust you to take care of a broken nose by yourself, bud." 

"Hmm... Fair enough." 

A portion of the ride was quiet until Billie got bored and started fidgeting. Eventually he single handedly put one of his band's CDs into the CD player. We got about halfway through the CD by the time we reached my house. I pulled into the drive way and set the car to the park. 

Billie went to get out of the car, but I managed to quickly lock the doors. He leaned back into his seat. "Wrong button, Pooh bear." He shook his head with a smile. I gave a smile back with a nonchalant, "I know." I watched as his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

 "So... Are you gonna let me out or?-"

"I'll let you out once you tell me how you broke your nose. Deal?"

He huffed. "Fine, fine. But you can't laugh-" Billie squinted at me.

"I won't. I pinky promise." I held out my pinky and Billie hooked his pinky to mine. 

"So basically- I saw this really big wave, and I was like 'man, if I could catch that huge wave, I'd have something to brag about to Winnie.' So I went to try and catch it, and I thought my footing was good, but then I slipped off the board- And when I fell, the board shot from under my feet, straight into my face." He gave a goofy grin. And I couldn't help but laugh just a little. 

"S-so... let me get this straight- You were trying to impress me and ended up breaking your nose to a surfboard?" I bit my bottom lip and tried not to laugh more than I had already. 

"I saw an opportunity and tried to take it y'know." 

I lost it, and started laughing until I cried. "Billie, nooo."

Billie pouted, "Hey! You're laughing after you pinky promised you wouldn't!"

I coughed a few times as I tried to calm down, "I know, I know. I'm sorrryyyy." I wiped the remaining tears from my eyes.

"Sorry's not gonna cut it this time. You owe me one, hmph." Billie crossed his arms and stuck his nose up.

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