|Chapter Five|Soulmates

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Elowyn's POV

The next morning I woke up in Billie's arms. He was holding me like I was a teddy bear. I honestly wouldn't want it any other way. I lightly kissed his nose, not wanting to wake him up. I closed my eyes and drifted back to sleep. 

When I reopened my eyes, Billie was gone and I smelled pancakes coming from the kitchen. I hopped out of his bed and quickly changed into the clothes Billie had laid out for me. The shirt was super soft, if only feminine clothing was this soft. I threw the red and blue striped sweater on and pulled it up to my nose to sniff.  

It smelled of weed, cigarettes, and cologne. It smelled like Billie. I smiled and walked out to the kitchen. 

I sat down on a tall stool in front of the countertop and I watched Billie make the pancakes from behind. He flipped a pancake in the pan and caught it perfectly. "Wow Beej, I'm impressed." I smirked. Billie didn't turn around, but he laughed, "Good morning to you too, sleeping beauty."

Billie began humming, as he stacked two pancakes onto a plate. "I don't have maple syrup, sadly. But will chocolate syrup do?" 

"Chocolate syrup works perfectly. Some may say I'm a demon for chocolate, but I prefer the term chocoholic." I joked. Billie laughed, "Mmhm. Suuuure." 

I put my hand to my chest pretending to be offended. Billie had his tongue sticking out again. He was concentrating. It looked almost as if he was drawing with the chocolate syrup. Then he suddenly spun to the fridge and pulled out a box of strawberries. He pulled a drawer open and pulled out a knife. He cut three strawberries in half and began to carve them. I watched intently and quietly, worried that I'd break his concentration. 

The he spun to the fridge again and pulled out a whip cream bottle and put whip cream around the edges of the pancake. He put the bottle down, and stared at his work for a moment. 

Suddenly, he cracked out a grin, spun the plate, and slid it to me. "Tadaaaah!" He said with a goofy grin. 

I looked down at the plate in front of me on the counter and smiled like an idiot. Billie had drawn a smiley face on the pancakes with the chocolate syrup and outlined the pancake with whip cream. He even carved the strawberries into cute, little heart shapes. "You're such a dork." I said playfully, as I cut the pancakes. 

I took a bite and to my surprise, it was the best pancake I had ever had. It even beat Cracker Barrel's pancakes. "Oh my gosh, Billie this tastes amazing! C'mere and try a bite." I cut another piece and poked it with my fork. Billie leaned forward across the counter and held his mouth open. "Ahhhh." I put the piece in his mouth and with the index finger of my free hand, I swiped some whip cream off the pancake. I quickly put the whip cream on Billie's nose and laughed.

"Heyyy, no fair. I made you pancakessss." Billie pouted, pretending to be sad. I felt my heart melt under the way his eyes glinted with a slight mischievous look.  "Alright Mister Armstrong, what could I ever do to make it up to you?" I asked him dramatically. 

He wiped the whip cream off his nose and tapped his chin with his finger. "Hmmmm... How about you let me take you out for a date?" Billie then broke out into another one of his big smiles. "Come on Winnie, it'll be fun!" He pleaded.

 I had been blushing and I began to scratch the back of my neck. I thought about it for a minute. I felt safe with Billie. I knew he would try to protect me if he ever had to. And how would we ever make whatever we have in between us work, if I never give him the chance? I smiled. "It's a deal Beej." I spoke finally. "YES!" Billie shouted as he fist pumped the air excitedly.

After we finished our breakfasts and joked around for a bit, Billie went to grab his swim trunks from his room. He came back and tossed me his car keys and handed me his swim trunks. "You can sit in my car for a bit while I get something out of the garage." I caught his keys and unlocked his car. It was easy to tell Ollie and Billie's cars apart.

 I sat in the front passenger seat with his swim trunks on my lap and the keys in my hand. I wondered why Billie would need his swim trunks and what he was getting. He hadn't told me what he wanted to do for our first date. 

Suddenly, Billie came stumbling out of his house carrying two surfboards. I watched him struggle with strapping them to the top of his car. Billie was short for a boy, but of course I'm short for a girl. When he finished strapping the surfboards down he opened the driver door and sat down. "Phew, that was a workout." I laughed as he wiped sweat from his forehead off with his shirt. 

I handed him his key and he started the ignition. "Uhm Beej, I don't have my bathing suit." I pointed out to him. He smiled as he reversed the car out of the drive way. "I know. That's why we're going to your house to pick it up." I nodded my head and smiled back. 

 But then I suddenly realized something else. "Billllie-" I whined. "Yesss Winnnieee?" Billie replied using the same tone I had used. I frown smiled, "I don't know how to surf." 

Billie grinned, " I kinda figured that, so I'm gonna teach you babe."  I nodded again with a real smile this time and told him to turn left to get to my house. 

When we got there, Chase was on my front porch. Why the hell was he at my house? I looked at Billie with a scared expression, while he had a concerned expression. "Winnie?- What's your deal with this guy? I saw what happened between you two in the detention room."

I inhaled sharply. I had never told anyone about what Chase does. Billie locked the doors, so I'd feel safer to talk to him. I nodded my head. "Alright... Where to begin? Uhm-" I scratched the back of my neck. "He use to be super sweet towards me. Friendly and caring. But then he started smoking and drinking. He became cruel. He calls me a bitch and slut and all that." I fidgeted a little. I couldn't tell Billie that he physically hurts me. I just couldn't. 

"Why Winnie? and did you ever have feelings for him?" Billie asked. I threw my head into my hands. "He hates me because he loved me, but I didn't love him that way. He was a brother to me. It wasn't enough for him."

Billie gently rubbed my back, comfortingly. "Hey Winnie? You're letting him use you. You're just another cigarette to him." I lifted my head to look at him, I was confused at what he meant. 

"Don't let people treat you like a cigarette, they only use you when they're bored and step on you when they're done." He smiled at me. 

Suddenly, we heard shouting. We looked through the front window shield to see Rose shouting at Chase and throwing stuff at him, like rocks and pebbles. Rose knew about my situation with him. My best guess was that Chase said something to piss her off. 

Billie and I laughed. "That's your sister right?" He asked. I nodded my head, "She may only be fourteen, but man does she have guts." I snickered. 

After Chase left, I ran inside to grab my bathing suit. I realized my only bathing suit was a bikini. Oh well, I guess. I thanked Rose on the way out and left her some money, so she could go to the town's diner to buy shakes with her friend. 

I got back in the car and Billie drove us to the beach. I held up our bathing suits and laughed. 

"Our bathing suits match each other! We're definitely soulmates." I grinned. 

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