|Chapter Two| Friendships in Bloom

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Elowyn's POV

"We're gonna be late!" I shouted as Rose and I were running towards the school entrance. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Rose running slightly behind me, carrying her slice of toast in her mouth. We didn't have much time to eat breakfast, so I skipped breakfast while Rose brought it with her. Of course, Rose had a lunch for later too because she always packed hers the night before. While I had forgotten.

I swung the school's front door open and dashed to my class, parting ways with Rose. As I ran to my art class, I passed Billie, Tre, and Mike hanging out in a tucked away corner. They were leaning against the wall, smoking cigarettes. Billie must've saw me because I heard him elbow Tre and Mike. "That's her!" Billie whisper shouted.

I pretended I didn't hear Billie as I was further down the hall. I was too far to hear what his friends replied with anyway. I turned the corner and right as I flung the art door open, the tardy bell rang. 

I froze where I stood before scratching the back of my neck with a nervous laugh. The entire class had their eyes on me and the teacher glared at me. "This is your 4th tardy to my class Miss Mills!" My teacher said sternly. 

"It seems that I have no choice, but to give you a detention slip."

"I- but- I was literally like 30 seconds late-" I tried to reason. I knew it was pointless though, as my teacher was already writing a detention slip. I hung my head low and sighed as I took the slip. I walked over to my desk. As I headed to my desk I passed Chase.

Chase had a smirk plastered on his face. I couldn't stand him. He's an egoistical lacrosse player. He's been trying to hook up with me since freshman year, even though he has a girlfriend. He was constantly jumping from girl to girl in relationships. He knew how to get under my skin, and he often pretended to be nice to me just to get what he wants. I could never see myself with an idiot like him. 

I slumped into my seat. When I looked up from my desk, I saw Chase looking back at me with a grin. I waited 'til the teacher turned his back to flip him off. He rolled his eyes in response and started writing something. 

Seconds later a paper ball hit me in the head. I growled before picking the paper ball up. I knew immediately who threw it, so I chucked it as hard as I could at Chase's head. "Owww. What the fuck man." He quietly groaned so the teacher wouldn't hear him. Chase scrunched his nose and gave me a death glare and I rolled my eyes, knowing I would get under his skin. He snapped, "You're supposed to read it dumb ass!!" while waving the paper ball around in his hand.

The teacher whipped around to glare Chase dead in the eye. "Detention for you as well, Mister. I will not tolerate vulgar language today!" 

I sighed and slammed my face into my desk. It was going to be a long day. 

Eventually time passed and I was sitting in the lunch room. I sat alone most of the time in the cafeteria, except for those occasional times where Rose wants to sit with me to make me feel better. I had forgotten my lunch of course and I was starving. My stomach kept grumbling and there was nothing I could do about it, except put my head down. I couldn't even buy lunch because my wallet was sitting on my dresser back at home. 

Suddenly, I felt someone tap my shoulder. I assumed it was someone accidentally brushing against me, while trying to get to their lunch table. So of course, I kept my head down. That's when I felt the lunch bench I was sitting at shift immensely. I lifted my head to see three familiar faces. Mike, Tre, and Billie.

 "Whatcha doiiin?" Billie asked with a grin. "Just sitting here." I smiled weakly. 

"Well now you're just sitting here with us!" Tre exclaimed excitedly. "I'm Tre by the way. Tre Cool" He held out his fist for a fist bump, which of course I gave him one. "And I'm Mike Dirnt" Mike gave a simple smile and a big wave.

 "And I'm Bil-" Billie was suddenly stopped by the three of us laughing. "We all know who you are!" 

As soon as the laughter died down, Billie smiled. "Did I mention that we're all in a band?" I swear I could've seen a sparkle in his green eyes. I gave a slight laugh. Of course I knew he was in a band. The entire school knew that Tre, Mike, and Billie were a band called Green Day that would always play at house parties. I didn't want to risk ruining his mood though by letting him know that I already knew. He looked so happy. It was adorable.

"I didn't know that! What's the name of it and what kind of music do you guys produce?!" I asked all excitedly. Right as Billie opened his mouth to speak, Tre exclaimed "Green Day!!" Billie scowled at Tre and I bit my lip to hold back a laugh, failing a bit. While Billie was busy scowling at Tre, Mike quickly answered my second question. "We make punk rock music. It's chill." 

"I feel so BeTraYED NoW!" Billie started to fake cry and we couldn't help but laugh once again. Billie was the first to break the laughter. "You should come to one of our practices after school today. It's at 8 pm at my house. I can give you the address later." 

"There'll be pizza!" Tre added. Mike nodded his head, "And I always bring the drinks." 

Although the thought of eating pizza made my stomach grumble, I laughed nervously and scratched the back of my neck as all their eyes seemed to intimidate me. "W-well you see-" I unzipped my bag and fished through it, looking for a certain slip of paper. All of their eyes shined with curiosity, as Mike and Tre looked at each other with a shrug. Billie tilted his head to the side a bit.

"I have this-" I held up the detention slip marked for today after school. "By the time I get home from detention, I won't be able to get ready." 

"Woah! lemme see that, Pooh bear!" Tre snatched the slip and held it up to the light. Billie laughed at the new nickname I was given. I shook my head while frown smiling. "Yep that's authentic. The art teacher's a real asshole." Mike said with an approving nod. 

"Well lucky for you Miss Pooh bear-" Billie said, with a snicker at the nickname, We all have detention slips as well. With that all three of them held up their slips. "We got them for smoking in the halls this morning." 

"Oh alright, you have me convinced." I gave Billie a quick hug and whispered "Thank you" in his ear. "Don't thank me yet. My mom told me to give these to you and your sister-" He turned a slight shade of pink, but I wasn't quite sure why. But holy crap, thank God for Ollie. I quickly opened the bag and stuffed a cookie in my mouth. 

As I watched Billie indulge himself in a conversation with Tre and Mike about what songs they want to practice later. I couldn't help but think to myself as I smiled, thank God for Billie too.

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