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[ chapter 1 ]

The second I walked through the door, my parents were standing there waiting. It shocked— and scared me, as I had not sent a message that I was coming home. I brushed it off as they simply heard my car roll up, because otherwise they must have a tracker on me or some shit.

"Um, hello?" My tone was a bit hesitant, but I gave them a greeting and a confused look. I shut the door behind me and then turned back to them.

"Sweetheart," My mom began, approaching me quickly. My heart began to race and my stomach twisted at the thought of another negative thing happening in my life.

She softly grabbed my arm and lead me to our couch. She sat me down and then my father and her sat across from me.

"What's up? What happened this time?" I asked, taking a deep breath and leaning further into the comfortable sofa.

"Nothing. We just wanted to talk to you." My dad gave me a warm smile.

"We know that things have been hard these past few months. Everybody moving away and everything— anyways," My mother sighed deeply. "We've been thinking about moving too. Not too far, but not super close either. We won't move if you don't want to, but just know if everything gets too much. If things start to remind you of shit, we'll go anywhere you want."

I couldn't help the smile that overcame my once nervous and worried features. I always have loved how understanding my step-parents were. They never wanted to do anything I wouldn't feel comfortable with. It meant a lot more than I think they even knew.

"Thank you." Is all that could come out. They nodded and then, one after the other, gave me a tight hug.

"Get some rest, we'll talk again in the morning. Think it over, okay?" I nodded, allowing my mom to peck my cheek. We all shared our final goodnights and walked into our rooms.

I did my nightly routine and then flopped onto my bed, pulling my phone out and going straight to the group chat.

me - yoo

It didn't take long for them to reply.

irritating eli 🙅🏻 - wassupp

clashin' cass ⚠️ - Yessir

grey ash ☠️ - hmm

I laugh at the stupid ass names they made for themselves. I don't know why, but it makes me laugh every time.

me - yall down to go to ny ?

I smiled, reminiscing about the time I decided to move to New York.

look at where we are now.

To catch up, I, am you. Y/n Y/l/n, isn't it? See.

It's been 9 years since that moment. Since that decision. We're 28, we're international superstars with three amazing bandmates/best friends. We live in Manhattan, New York in one of the richest penthouses in the borough.

We made it.

It didn't take much. Once we all, which includes our best friends and their family, along with ours, moved to New York; we started a YouTube Channel. We named ourselves the 'Rewritten'. Why that name, might you ask? Well . . .

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