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[ chapter 8 ]

december 1
2:30 p.m
manhattan, new york

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"Holy shit, that's amazing Bil." I smiled widely, staring right back at my old best friend who took a sip of her drink with the same smile.

"I can't believe we all ended up back in New York." She chuckled, shaking her head. I laughed and nodded.

"I guess it really is a small world." I commented. She nodded and took a bite of her burger. "Oh! And your fucking iHeart performance? That shit was crazy!" I smiled brightly.

"Well, I mean the performance itself was pretty basic but after? Sure." I shrugged, grabbing a few fries and popping them into my mouth.

"Basic? It was dope! The lights, the song, the interactions, your fucking voice?! Incredible. I don't know how, but y'all deserved more than a standing ovation." I couldn't help but all out belly laugh at her fangirling.

"Thank you, Bil. Good to know you're my number 1 fan." I chuckle, finally calming down.

"Hey, but, there's something I wanna ask you." I began, folding my hands together in front of me and smiling softly.

She hummed, still finishing her bite.

"My parents are still having the annual New Years party and I want you to come. I invited Zayn already, he's going.." I trailed off, contemplating to tell her the other thing.

"And.." She gestured for me to keep going.

"I'm thinking of inviting Ariana." She began to choke on her food. I jumped at her reaction and immediately leaned over to pat her back. She fully swallowed with her eyes widened.

"Sorry, I... wasn't expecting that! You're talking to her again?" She asked, seeming genuinely surprised.

"Yeah! We-uh-started talking a few months ago. She's still the same sweet girl— some key differences though." I didn't realize it then, but I was beginning to smile at the thought of the famous Italian.

"You still have that same lovesick look in your eye when you talk about her. Simpy bitch." She rolled her eyes jokingly, a small smile on her face.

"Of course I'll go."


I invited Ariana. Unfortunately, I couldn't do it in person as we both have busy schedules. She's apparently trying to make ANOTHER album, even after her hit album Sweetener.

While my band and I are doing promotional tours. We're going to be rehearsing for our upcoming WORLD tour on January 2, we start tour May 1. It's currently December 29, and we're in Miami, Florida. (Close to) home.

"So, we heard that not too far from here is y'all's hometown. Correct?" The interviewer, Atlas, asked with a raised eyebrow and small smile. We nodded.

"That's amazing! Boca Raton, right? Didn't Ariana Grande grow up there, too?" We nodded again and the the boys turned to me. Like they usually do.

"Yep. We actually knew her. I went to the same school as her while my best friends here did not." I explained shortly with a smile.

"Interesting. So then how did you guys meet?" He further continued.

"Dance class. Well, a summer dance class. Ironically, Y/n used to be best friends with Billie Eilish, whom she attended those classes with." Elias smirked as he released that exclusive.

Atlas' eyes widened significantly as his head instantly snapped back to mine.

"Holy shit! So you just knew everybody back in the day, huh." He laughed. I chuckled but nodded while shrugging.

"Honestly? Yeah, I kinda did. If you want more of an exclusive, I was best friends with Zayn Malik and super close friends with Camila Cabello too." I smirked as the man's jaw dropped.

"Wow, that's incredible. Surrounded by that much talent? Y'all must've been quite the group in school." I smiled, internally reminiscing on the old times.

"We were, for sure."

"Are you friends with them now?" He asked, wanting more brand new information, of course. However, this question had me a little stuck. Was I supposed to release this information? It shouldn't be a problem, right?

"Um—w-well," I cleared my throat. "I'm back to best friends with Zayn. Love him. I just recently got back into contact with Billie, love her too. As for Camila? We don't talk much but we both take turns checking up on each other. We're pretty busy with other things, but we always make time to make sure each other are doing well."

"And Ariana?" I froze up. I tried my best to subtly glance at my manager, but I couldn't get any reaction nor answer out of him. A quiet sigh escaped my lips at this.

"I love Ariana. Always will. We've been talking lately, but we've also been pretty busy." Was all I said. I know that the public has no idea of the brunette and I's past relationship, but our managers do. Along with our label.

I'd never risk hers or my career to answer some dumb interview question. I just get nervous I guess, that's all.

"Well, I'm glad there's no bad blood! I'd love to further splurge into these connections, but unfortunately we've run out of time." He smiled sadly while we copied it.

We bid our goodbyes to the viewers, then Atlas, then the rest of the studio. After that, we left and began the walk back to the SUV with two body guards and our manager.

"Good job with those tough questions, Y/n. He was really putting you under fire in there." We shared a laugh.

"Right? I was about to step in." Cassian rolled his eyes. I chuckled amusingly and shook my head.

"Nah, it wasn't that bad. The Ariana questions caught me off guard, but his intentions were pure. We know this business." I shrugged.

My phone dinged in my back pocket. I pulled it out the second we got out the back door and into the vehicle.

moonlight 🤍 - i love u too 🖤
Read 2:15 p.m

I smiled stupidly, biting my lip at the simple but effective message.

god, why does she make us feel like this

me - :)

I placed my phone back in my pocket and sighed as I leaned against the window and watched the world go by.


double updating bc this update is such a boring ass filler 😭 so keep on goin' !

much love, A 🖤

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